path: root/bootstrap/comments/frontend/markdown.js
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Diffstat (limited to 'bootstrap/comments/frontend/markdown.js')
1 files changed, 97 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/bootstrap/comments/frontend/markdown.js b/bootstrap/comments/frontend/markdown.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3d26f4c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bootstrap/comments/frontend/markdown.js
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+// Parses a string as markdown (markdown.js)
+HashOverConstructor.prototype.markdown = {
+ blockCodeRegex: /```([\s\S]+?)```/g,
+ inlineCodeRegex: /(^|[^a-z0-9`])`([^`]+?[\s\S]+?)`([^a-z0-9`]|$)/ig,
+ blockCodeMarker: /CODE_BLOCK\[([0-9]+)\]/g,
+ inlineCodeMarker: /CODE_INLINE\[([0-9]+)\]/g,
+ // Array for inline code and code block markers
+ codeMarkers: {
+ block: { marks: [], count: 0 },
+ inline: { marks: [], count: 0 }
+ },
+ // Markdown patterns to search for
+ markdownSearch: [
+ /\*\*([^ *])([\s\S]+?)([^ *])\*\*/g,
+ /\*([^ *])([\s\S]+?)([^ *])\*/g,
+ /(^|\W)_([^_]+?[\s\S]+?)_(\W|$)/g,
+ /__([^ _])([\s\S]+?)([^ _])__/g,
+ /~~([^ ~])([\s\S]+?)([^ ~])~~/g
+ ],
+ // HTML replacements for markdown patterns
+ markdownReplace: [
+ '<strong>$1$2$3</strong>',
+ '<em>$1$2$3</em>',
+ '$1<u>$2</u>$3',
+ '<u>$1$2$3</u>',
+ '<s>$1$2$3</s>'
+ ],
+ // Replaces markdown for inline code with a marker
+ codeReplace: function (fullTag, first, second, third, display)
+ {
+ var markName = 'CODE_' + display.toUpperCase ();
+ var markCount = this.codeMarkers[display].count++;
+ if (display !== 'block') {
+ var codeMarker = first + markName + '[' + markCount + ']' + third;
+ this.codeMarkers[display].marks[markCount] = this.parent.EOLTrim (second);
+ } else {
+ var codeMarker = markName + '[' + markCount + ']';
+ this.codeMarkers[display].marks[markCount] = this.parent.EOLTrim (first);
+ }
+ return codeMarker;
+ },
+ parse: function (string)
+ {
+ // Reference to this object
+ var markdown = this;
+ // Reset marker arrays
+ this.codeMarkers = {
+ block: { marks: [], count: 0 },
+ inline: { marks: [], count: 0 }
+ };
+ // Replace code blocks with markers
+ string = string.replace (this.blockCodeRegex, function (fullTag, first, second, third) {
+ return markdown.codeReplace (fullTag, first, second, third, 'block');
+ });
+ // Break string into paragraphs
+ var paragraphs = string.split (this.parent.regex.paragraphs);
+ // Run through each paragraph replacing markdown patterns
+ for (var i = 0, il = paragraphs.length; i < il; i++) {
+ // Replace code tags with marker text
+ paragraphs[i] = paragraphs[i].replace (this.inlineCodeRegex, function (fullTag, first, second, third) {
+ return markdown.codeReplace (fullTag, first, second, third, 'inline');
+ });
+ // Perform each markdown regular expression on the current paragraph
+ for (var r = 0, rl = this.markdownSearch.length; r < rl; r++) {
+ // Replace markdown patterns
+ paragraphs[i] = paragraphs[i].replace (this.markdownSearch[r], this.markdownReplace[r]);
+ }
+ // Return the original markdown code with HTML replacement
+ paragraphs[i] = paragraphs[i].replace (this.inlineCodeMarker, function (marker, number) {
+ return '<code class="hashover-inline">' + markdown.codeMarkers.inline.marks[number] + '</code>';
+ });
+ }
+ // Join paragraphs
+ string = paragraphs.join (this.parent.setup['server-eol'] + this.parent.setup['server-eol']);
+ // Replace code block markers with original markdown code
+ string = string.replace (this.blockCodeMarker, function (marker, number) {
+ return '<code>' + markdown.codeMarkers.block.marks[number] + '</code>';
+ });
+ return string;
+ }