path: root/.local/bin/plumber
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '.local/bin/plumber')
1 files changed, 164 insertions, 17 deletions
diff --git a/.local/bin/plumber b/.local/bin/plumber
index b791adc..88aa80c 100755
--- a/.local/bin/plumber
+++ b/.local/bin/plumber
@@ -1,39 +1,131 @@
#! /usr/bin/env elixir
+defmodule Settings do
+ def terminal do
+ System.get_env("TERMINAL")
+ end
defmodule ArgParser do
def parse do
{opts, _} =
|> OptionParser.parse!(strict: [option: :string, text: :string])
+ options = [
+ camelize: "text->camelize",
+ case_lower: "case->lower",
+ case_title: "case->title",
+ case_titleize: "case->titleize",
+ case_upper: "case->upper",
+ date8601: "text->date8601",
+ dictionary: "word->dictionary",
+ jumbleize: "text->jumbleize",
+ kjv: "verse->kjv",
+ letterize: "text->letterize",
+ lorem_paragraph: "lorem->paragraph",
+ lorem_title: "lorem->title",
+ reverse_letters: "reverse->letters",
+ reverse_words: "reverse->words",
+ singleline: "text->singleline",
+ slugize: "text->slugize",
+ urlize: "text->urlize",
+ ]
cond do
- opts[:option] == "First letter of each word in sentence" ->
- TextPlumber.firstLetterOfWordsIn(opts[:text]) |> IO.binwrite()
+ opts[:option] == options[:letterize] ->
+ TextPlumber.firstLetterOfWordsIn(opts[:text]) |> IO.puts()
+ opts[:option] == options[:urlize] ->
+ URI.encode(opts[:text]) |> IO.puts()
+ opts[:option] == options[:slugize] ->
+ opts[:text]
+ |> String.normalize(:nfd)
+ |> String.replace(~r/[[:space:]]+/, " ")
+ |> String.replace(~r/[[:punct:]]+/, " ")
+ |> Macro.underscore()
+ |> String.replace(~r/[[:space:]]+/, "-")
+ |> String.replace(~r/[[:punct:]]+/, "-")
+ |> String.trim("-")
+ |> IO.puts()
+ opts[:option] == options[:camelize] ->
+ opts[:text]
+ |> String.normalize(:nfd)
+ |> String.replace(~r/[[:space:]]+/, "_")
+ |> String.replace(~r/[[:punct:]]+/, "_")
+ |> Macro.camelize()
+ |> String.replace(~r/[[:space:]]+/, "")
+ |> String.replace(~r/[[:punct:]]+/, "")
+ |> IO.puts()
+ opts[:option] == options[:singleline] ->
+ TextPlumber.singleLineOf(opts[:text]) |> IO.puts()
+ opts[:option] == options[:jumbleize] ->
+ String.split(opts[:text] |> String.replace(~r/[[:punct:]]+/, ""))
+ |> Enum.map(&String.codepoints/1)
+ |> Enum.map(&TextPlumber.jumble/1)
+ |> Enum.map(&Enum.join/1)
+ |> Enum.join(" ")
+ |> IO.puts()
+ opts[:option] == options[:reverse_words] ->
+ TextPlumber.reverse(opts[:text]) |> IO.puts()
+ opts[:option] == options[:reverse_letters] ->
+ String.split(opts[:text])
+ |> Enum.map(&String.codepoints/1)
+ |> Enum.map(&Enum.reverse/1)
+ |> Enum.join(" ")
+ |> IO.puts()
+ opts[:option] == options[:dictionary] ->
+ TextPlumber.dictionOfFirstWordIn(opts[:text])
+ TextPlumber.firstWordOf(opts[:text]) |> IO.puts()
+ opts[:option] == options[:case_title] ->
+ opts[:text] |> to_string |> TextPlumber.titleCaseOf() |> IO.puts()
+ opts[:option] == options[:case_titleize] ->
+ String.downcase(opts[:text]) |> TextPlumber.titleCaseOf() |> IO.puts()
+ opts[:option] == options[:case_lower] ->
+ String.downcase(opts[:text]) |> IO.puts()
+ opts[:option] == options[:case_upper] ->
+ String.upcase(opts[:text]) |> IO.puts()
+ opts[:option] == options[:lorem_title] ->
+ TextPlumber.loremTitle()
- opts[:option] == "Single line of text" ->
- TextPlumber.singleLineOf(opts[:text]) |> IO.binwrite()
+ opts[:option] == options[:lorem_paragraph] ->
+ TextPlumber.loremParagraph()
- opts[:option] == "Thesaurus" ->
- TextPlumber.synonymOfFirstWordIn(opts[:text])
- TextPlumber.firstWordOf(opts[:text]) |> IO.binwrite()
+ opts[:option] == options[:date8601] ->
+ TextPlumber.date8601()
- opts[:option] == "KJV Verse Lookup" ->
- System.cmd("urxvt", ["-e", "sh", "-c", "kjv #{TextPlumber.singleLineOf(opts[:text])}"])
- TextPlumber.singleLineOf(opts[:text]) |> IO.binwrite()
+ opts[:option] == options[:kjv] ->
+ System.cmd(Settings.terminal(), [
+ "-e",
+ "sh",
+ "-c",
+ "kjv #{TextPlumber.singleLineOf(opts[:text])}"
+ ])
- opts[:option] == "Title Case" ->
- TextPlumber.titleCaseOf(opts[:text]) |> IO.binwrite()
+ TextPlumber.singleLineOf(opts[:text]) |> IO.puts()
true ->
- "No plumber #{opts[:option] || "specified"}." |> IO.puts()
+ Enum.each(options, fn {_, value} -> IO.puts(value) end)
defmodule TextPlumber do
def firstLetterOfWordsIn(text) do
- String.replace(text, ~r/(\w)\w*/, "\\1", global: true)
- |> String.replace(~r/\s\s+/, " ", global: true)
+ String.replace(text, ~r/(\w)\w*/u, "\\1", global: true)
+ |> String.replace(~r/\s\s+/u, " ", global: true)
def singleLineOf(text) do
@@ -45,12 +137,67 @@ defmodule TextPlumber do
String.split(text) |> List.first()
+ def reverse(text) do
+ String.split(text) |> Enum.reverse |> Enum.join(" ")
+ end
def titleCaseOf(text) do
text |> String.split() |> Enum.map(fn word -> :string.titlecase(word) end) |> Enum.join(" ")
- def synonymOfFirstWordIn(text) do
- System.cmd("urxvt", ["-e", "sh", "-c", "dict #{TextPlumber.firstWordOf(text)} | vim -"])
+ def loremParagraph() do
+ {string, _return} =
+ System.cmd("sh", [
+ "-c",
+ "perl -e 'use Text::Lorem; use Text::Wrap; $Text::Wrap::columns = 80; print wrap(\"\", \"\", Text::Lorem->new()->sentences(5));'"
+ ])
+ IO.puts(string)
+ end
+ def loremTitle() do
+ {string, _return} =
+ System.cmd("sh", [
+ "-c",
+ "perl -e 'use Text::Lorem; print Text::Lorem->new()->words(4)';"
+ ])
+ IO.puts(string)
+ end
+ def dictionOfFirstWordIn(text) do
+ System.cmd(Settings.terminal(), [
+ "-e",
+ "sh",
+ "-c",
+ "dict -h localhost #{TextPlumber.firstWordOf(text)} 2>&1 | vim -"
+ ])
+ end
+ def jumble(list) do
+ if length(list) == 1 do
+ list
+ else
+ head = Enum.take(list, 1)
+ tail = Enum.take(list, -1)
+ list = list |> Enum.drop(-1) |> Enum.drop(1)
+ if length(list) == 2 do
+ head ++ (list |> Enum.reverse()) ++ tail
+ else
+ head ++ (list |> Enum.shuffle()) ++ tail
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def date8601() do
+ {string, _return} =
+ System.cmd("date", [
+ "--universal",
+ "--iso-8601=seconds"
+ ])
+ IO.puts(string)