path: root/.local/bin/lxc-build
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '.local/bin/lxc-build')
1 files changed, 83 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/.local/bin/lxc-build b/.local/bin/lxc-build
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..9e6b5eb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.local/bin/lxc-build
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env runhaskell
+import System.Console.GetOpt
+import System.Environment
+import System.Exit
+import System.Process
+version :: Fractional p => p
+version = 0.01
+help :: [Char]
+help = unlines
+ [ ""
+ , "NAME"
+ , ""
+ , " lxc-build"
+ , ""
+ , ""
+ , " Replace a container of the same name with the new build"
+ , ""
+ , " lxc-build --replace --name rockylinux rockylinux8.dockerfile"
+ , ""
+ , ""
+ , " Builds a lxc container from a Dockerfile"
+ , ""
+ , ""
+ , " -h, -help, --help Shows this help menu"
+ , " -r, -replace, --replace Replace container with new build"
+ , " -v, -version, --version Prints program version"
+ ]
+display = putStrLn
+main = do
+ arguments <- getArgs
+ case arguments of
+ ["--replace", "--name", name, dockerfile] -> do
+ callCommand ("\\lxc-destroy --force --name " ++ name ++ " |& \\true")
+ callCommand
+ ( "\\lxc-create --name "
+ ++ name
+ ++ " --template=none && \\mkdir ~/.local/share/lxc/"
+ ++ name
+ ++ "/rootfs"
+ )
+ callCommand ("\\docker build --file " ++ dockerfile)
+ callCommand
+ ( "id=$(\\docker run --detach \"$(\\docker build --file "
+ ++ dockerfile
+ ++ " | tail --lines=1)\" /bin/true) && \\docker export \"$id\" | \\tar --extract --directory ~/.local/share/lxc/"
+ ++ name
+ ++ "/rootfs && \\docker container rm \"$id\""
+ )
+ callCommand
+ ( "\\printf 'doas chown --recursive 200000:200000 ~/.local/share/lxc/"
+ ++ name
+ ++ "/rootfs\n'"
+ )
+ callCommand
+ ( "\\doas chown --recursive 200000:200000 ~/.local/share/lxc/"
+ ++ name
+ ++ "/rootfs"
+ )
+ callCommand
+ ( "\\printf 'lxc.uts.name = "
+ ++ name
+ ++ "\n' >> ~/.local/share/lxc/"
+ ++ name
+ ++ "/config"
+ )
+ callCommand
+ ( "\\printf \"lxc.rootfs.path = dir:$HOME/.local/share/lxc/"
+ ++ name
+ ++ "/rootfs\n\" >> ~/.local/share/lxc/"
+ ++ name
+ ++ "/config"
+ )
+ callCommand ("\\lxc-start --name " ++ name)
+ _ -> do
+ die help