path: root/.local
diff options
authortdro <tdro@users.noreply.github.com>2020-09-07 01:08:20 -0400
committertdro <tdro@users.noreply.github.com>2020-09-07 01:08:20 -0400
commit6577ae1fb1761c7d9e6fe32859506c8deeab1885 (patch)
treedbcf9e2df0faaefbf1e87dade02601132f90a9be /.local
parent2f1f3699262c4a115cbf5103de00efd646b42f3c (diff)
.config/spacefm/session: Use vidir and remove rntools
Diffstat (limited to '.local')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 232 deletions
diff --git a/.local/bin/rntools b/.local/bin/rntools
deleted file mode 100755
index bec3e5c..0000000
--- a/.local/bin/rntools
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,232 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env bash
- Copyright (C) 2012 Tri Le <trile7 at gmail dot com>
- This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation version 3.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-version="rename v0.3"
-blue='\e[0;34m'; green='\e[0;32m'; red='\e[0;31m'; yellow='\e[0;33m'; bold='\e[1m';none='\e[0m'
-function menu {
- n=0
- choices=("$@")
- echo -e "$blue$bold$menutitle"
- for i in "${choices[@]}"; do
- echo -e "$none$((n++))) $yellow$i"
- done
- echo -en "${none}c|q) ${yellow}Cancel"
- echo -e $green
- read -p "Enter a choice from above menu: " i
- echo -e $none
- [[ $i =~ c|q ]] && exit 1
- if test $i -lt $n 2>/dev/null; then
- choice=${choices[i]}; return $i
- else
- echo -e "$red$i is an invalid entry...please try again!"
- menu "${choices[@]}"
- fi
- }
-function space2_ {
- newname=${1// /_}
- }
-function _2space {
- newname=${1//_/ }
- }
-function upper {
- newname=`echo $1 | tr [:lower:] [:upper:]`
- }
-function lower {
- newname=`echo $1 | tr [:upper:] [:lower:]`
- }
-function upperfirst {
- words=(`echo "$1"`)
- W=""
- for w in ${words[@]}; do
- x=`echo ${w:0:1}`
- X=`echo ${w:0:1} | tr [:lower:] [:upper:]`
- W=($W ${w/$x/$X})
- done
- newname=`echo ${W[@]}`
- }
-function x2y {
- echo -ne $none
- if [[ -z $x ]]; then
- echo -e "Use wildcard ${green}?${none} to match any one character or ${green}*${none} to match all characters"
- echo -ne $green
- read -p "Enter x (find value, required): " x
- if [[ -z $x ]]; then
- err "x is required"
- x2y; return 1
- fi
- fi
- [[ $j ]] || read -p "Enter y (replacement value; leave blank to remove x): " y
- j=1
- newname=${1//$x/$y}
- }
-function insert {
- echo -ne $none
- if [[ -z $p ]]; then
- echo -e "Use ${green}0${none} for the beginning of name, ${green}end${none} for the end of name, or ${green}end-ext${none} for the end of name but keep extension."
- echo -ne $green
- read -p "Enter p (insert position, required): " p
- if ! test $p -ge 0 2>/dev/null && [[ $p != end* ]]; then
- err "$p is invalid"
- p=""; insert
- fi
- fi
- if [[ -z $x && $p ]]; then
- echo -e "${none}Use ${green}%${none} for counter."
- echo -ne $green
- read -p "Enter x (character to insert, required): " x
- if [[ -z $x ]]; then
- err "x is required"
- x=""; insert
- fi
- fi
- if [[ $x = *%* && -z $c && $p ]]; then
- echo -e "${none}Start counter (include number of digits; i.e. 3 digits counter starting at 1, enter: 001)"
- echo -ne $green
- read -p "Enter start counter n (n >= 0, required): " c
- if ! test $c -ge 0 2>/dev/null; then
- err "$c is invalid"
- c=""; insert
- fi
- n=`expr $c + ${#files[@]} - 1`
- c=(`seq -w $c 1 $n`)
- fi
- case $p in
- end) pos=${#1} ;;
- end-ext) noext=${1%.*}; pos=${#noext} ;;
- *) pos=$p ;;
- esac
- if [[ $c ]]; then
- counter=${c[$j]}
- x1=${x//%/$counter}
- newname=${1:0:$pos}$x1${1:$pos}
- else
- newname=${1:0:$pos}$x${1:$pos}
- fi
- }
-function remove {
- echo -ne $none
- if [[ -z $p ]]; then
- echo -e "Use ${green}0${none} for the beginning of name"
- echo -ne $green
- read -p "Enter p (remove position, p >= 0, required): " p
- if ! test $p -ge 0 2>/dev/null; then
- err "$p is invalid"
- p=""; remove
- fi
- fi
- [[ $p ]] && read -p "Enter n (number of characters to remove): " n
- [[ $p -eq 0 ]] && x1="" || x1=${1:0:p}
- p2=$((p+n))
- x2=${1:p2}
- newname=$x1$x2
- }
-function err {
- echo -e "$red$@$none"; echo; return 1
- }
-function changename {
- if $cmd; then
- echo -e $none
- echo -e "${bold}Changes preview:"
- j=0
- for i in "${files[@]}"; do
- $cmd "$i" || continue
- [[ $newname ]] || newname="${red}SKIPPED"
- ((j++))
- echo -e "$yellow$i -> $bold$newname"
- done
- echo -e $green
- read -p "Do you want to proceed with rename (Y/n)? " ans
- echo -e $none
- if [[ $ans = n ]]; then
- unset p x c; mainmenu
- else
- j=0
- for i in "${files[@]}"; do
- [[ -e $i ]] || continue
- $cmd "$i" || continue
- [[ $newname ]] || continue
- ((j++))
- if [[ -d $i ]] && [[ $cmd = upper* || $cmd = lower ]]; then
- mv "$i" "$newname$$"
- mv "$newname$$" "$newname"
- else
- mv "$i" "$newname"
- fi
- done
- fi
- else
- mainmenu
- fi
- }
-function mainmenu {
- if [[ -z $1 ]]; then
- echo "-------------------"
- echo -e "${bold}Files to be renamed:"
- echo -ne $yellow
- for i in "${files[@]}"; do echo $i; done
- echo -e $none
- menutitle="---Rename Tools---"
- menu "Space_to_underscore" "Underscore to space" "ALL UPPERCASE" "all lowercase" "Uppercase First Letter of Each Word" "Convert x to y" "Insert counter n and/or character x at position p" "Remove n number of characters at position p"
- case $? in
- 0) cmd=space2_ ;;
- 1) cmd=_2space ;;
- 2) cmd=upper ;;
- 3) cmd=lower ;;
- 4) cmd=upperfirst ;;
- 5) cmd=x2y ;;
- 6) cmd=insert ;;
- 7) cmd=remove ;;
- esac
- fi
- changename
- }
-function usage {
- echo -e "${bold}$version"
- echo -e "Usage: ${0##*/} [options] filename1 filename2 ..... $none"
- echo "Options: menu is shown if option is not specified"
- echo " --space2_ convert_space_to_underscore"
- echo " --_2space convert underscore to space"
- echo " --upper CONVERT ALL TO UPPERCASE"
- echo " --lower convert all to lowercase"
- echo " --upperfirst Convert First Letter Of A Word To Uppercase"
- echo " --x2y Convert x to y"
- echo " --insert Insert counter or characters at a specific position"
- echo " --remove Remove numbers of characters at a specific position"
- exit
- }
-case $1 in
- -h|--h*) usage ;;
- --*) cmd=${1#--}; shift; files=("$@") ;;
- *) files=("$@") ;;
-[[ $# -eq 0 ]] && usage
-mainmenu $cmd