path: root/themes/default/layouts/partials
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'themes/default/layouts/partials')
2 files changed, 12 insertions, 9 deletions
diff --git a/themes/default/layouts/partials/base-canonical.html b/themes/default/layouts/partials/base-canonical.html
index 804c8ce..051e450 100644
--- a/themes/default/layouts/partials/base-canonical.html
+++ b/themes/default/layouts/partials/base-canonical.html
@@ -12,4 +12,4 @@
{{- $canonical = $.Params.canonical -}}
{{- end -}}
- <link rel="canonical" href="{{ $canonical }}" />
+<link rel="canonical" href="{{ $canonical }}" />
diff --git a/themes/default/layouts/partials/video-container.html b/themes/default/layouts/partials/video-container.html
index bae0cbb..7d934e6 100644
--- a/themes/default/layouts/partials/video-container.html
+++ b/themes/default/layouts/partials/video-container.html
@@ -56,17 +56,20 @@
{{ with .Poster }} poster="{{ . }}" {{ end -}}
{{ with .Width }} width="{{ . }}" {{ end -}}
{{ with .Height }} height="{{ . }}" {{ end -}}
- {{ .Options | safeHTMLAttr }}>
- <source src="{{ $source }}{{ $timestamp }}">
- {{ print "Video: " $caption "." | markdownify }}
- <p>
- Sorry, your browser does not support embedded videos. Here is a
- <a href="{{ .Source }}">link to the video</a> instead.
- </p>
+ {{- range $value := (split .Options " ") }}
+ {{- printf `%s=""` $value | safeHTMLAttr }}
+ {{ end -}}
+ >
+ <source src="{{ $source }}{{ $timestamp }}" />
+ {{ print "Video: " $caption "." | markdownify }}
+ <p>
+ Sorry, your browser does not support embedded videos. Here is a
+ <a href="{{ .Source }}">link to the video</a> instead.
+ </p>
{{ $caption | markdownify }}
- <br>
+ <br />
Index: {{ with $cache }} {{ print "[Cache](" . ")" | markdownify }} &middot; {{ end }}
{{ print "[Source](" .Source ")" | markdownify }}