+++ date = "2019-06-11T04:01:04+00:00" publishdate = "2023-12-29T07:08:55+00:00" title = "Tweaking GoAccess for Analytics" slug = "tweaking-goaccess-for-analytics" author = "Thedro" tags = ["goaccess","analytics"] type = "posts" summary = "GoAccess is an open source server side web log analyzer." draft = "" syntax = "1" toc = "" updated = "2021-03-18" +++ {{< image source="/images/tweaking-goaccess-for-analytics.png" title="GoAccess Dashboard" >}} GoAccess Dashboard for this server {{< /image >}} [GoAccess](https://goaccess.io/) is an open source server--side web log analyzer. Server side means that it will process web server logs and compile the results into a real--time graphical view. It works with many web log {{< sidenote mark="formats." set="right" >}} Nearly all log formats such as Apache, CloudFront, and Nginx according to [GoAccess' website.](https://goaccess.io/){{< /sidenote >}} By default `goaccess` will provide a {{< sidenote mark="complete" set="left" >}}A complete graphical overview can allow you to spot patterns or quirks in your stack.{{< /sidenote >}} picture of the traffic to your server. This includes crawlers, bots, and various `HTTP` requests. We can make some changes to `goaccess`' configuration to make it behave a bit more like a {{< sidenote mark="traditional" set="left" >}}Check out [Matomo](https://github.com/matomo-org/matomo#matomo-formerly-piwik---matomoorg) and [Fathom](https://github.com/usefathom/fathom#fathom-lite---simple-website-analytics).{{< /sidenote >}} web analytic {{< sidenote mark="server." set="right" >}} View this server's [`goaccess` analytics page](/analytics).{{< /sidenote >}} > "I believe tracking visitors at the client level deflates the actual number of > visitors. On the other hand, server--side tracking gives you a more accurate > number at the cost of not knowing for sure if the client is a human behind a > browser." {{< footer >}} [GoAccess Author Explains Tracking using Client vs. Server](https://github.com/allinurl/goaccess/issues/789#issuecomment-305504049){{< /footer >}} GoAccess allows command line flags and shell piping, but we'll do most of the work from a central `goaccess.conf` {{< sidenote mark="file." set="left" >}}The [default configuration file can be viewed](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/allinurl/goaccess/master/config/goaccess.conf) at the `goaccess` code repository. {{< /sidenote >}} Let's start off by enabling real--time `HTML` for live updates through the socket connection. ```cfg # Enable real-time HTML output. real-time-html true # Set output HTML path. output /srv/http/goaccess/index.html ``` The backend web server is `nginx` so enable the combined log format and set the access log path. ```cfg # Set log format. log-format COMBINED # Specify the path to the input log file. log-file /var/log/nginx/access.log ``` Exclude `localhost` so that `goaccess` ignores counting internal requests as unique visitors. We can exclude multiple public `IPv4` and `IPv6` addresses here as well. ```cfg # Exclude an IPv4 or IPv6 address from being counted. exclude-ip exclude-ip xx.xx.xx.xx ``` Ignore counting crawlers. This should make the unique visitors count more accurate. ```cfg # Ignore crawlers from being counted. ignore-crawlers true ``` You can further refine the output by adding more crawlers to ignore. This can be done by setting a `browsers-file` {{< sidenote mark="path." set="right" >}}An [example](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/allinurl/goaccess/master/config/browsers.list) is provided in the repository. This file **must** be tab delimited.{{< /sidenote >}} ```cfg # Include an additional delimited list of browsers/crawlers/feeds etc. browsers-file /opt/goaccess/config/browsers.list ``` Let's enable `IP` address anonymization. In future versions of `goaccess` you'll be able set the [level of `IP` address anonymization](https://github.com/allinurl/goaccess/commit/178eecebbc4de567d75969ca91e5b24b6bcae5e9) with the command line flag `--anonymize-level` and the configuration option `anonymize-level`. ```cfg # IP address anonymization anonymize-ip true # Pedantic IP address anonymization anonymize-level 3 ``` By default `goaccess` does not add client errors to the unique visitors count. ```cfg # Do not add 4xx client errors to the unique visitors count. 4xx-to-unique-count false ``` We can also remove specific `HTTP` response codes from the visitor's count too. ```cfg # Ignore parsing and displaying one or multiple status code(s) ignore-status 429 ``` [Referrer spam](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Referrer_spam) inflates and skews the log data. {{< sidenote mark="Ignore" set="left" >}}There is a [hard limit](https://github.com/allinurl/goaccess/blob/0ae49c356b837aeea1e24e6273b00611bf5421f8/src/settings.h#L39) of `64` ignored entries. To accommodate larger lists adjust `settings.h` accordingly.{{< /sidenote >}} visitors from a list of {{< sidenote mark="domains" set="right" >}}We can use a `systemd` or `cron` timer to refresh the list periodically.{{< /sidenote >}} by using `ignore-referer`. My personal preference is to use [Matomo's list.](https://github.com/matomo-org/referrer-spam-blacklist) ```cfg # Ignore referrer from being counted. ignore-referer www.example.com ``` Sort the most important panels by visitor count, data, and bandwidth in descending order. ```cfg # Sort panels on initial load by visitors, data, and bandwidth. sort-panel BROWSERS,BY_VISITORS,DESC sort-panel CACHE_STATUS,BY_VISITORS,DESC sort-panel GEO_LOCATION,BY_VISITORS,DESC sort-panel HOSTS,BY_VISITORS,DESC sort-panel KEYPHRASES,BY_VISITORS,DESC sort-panel MIME_TYPE,BY_VISITORS,DESC sort-panel NOT_FOUND,BY_BW,DESC sort-panel OS,BY_VISITORS,DESC sort-panel REFERRERS,BY_VISITORS,DESC sort-panel REFERRING_SITES,BY_VISITORS,DESC sort-panel REMOTE_USER,BY_VISITORS,DESC sort-panel REQUESTS,BY_VISITORS,DESC sort-panel REQUESTS_STATIC,BY_BW,DESC sort-panel STATUS_CODES,BY_VISITORS,DESC sort-panel TLS_TYPE,BY_VISITORS,DESC sort-panel VIRTUAL_HOSTS,BY_VISITORS,DESC sort-panel VISITORS,BY_DATA,DESC sort-panel VISIT_TIMES,BY_DATA,DESC ``` Change the theme and table specifications on the page by using a string of `json` {{< sidenote mark="preferences." set="right" >}}The theme is set to dark blue, with `20` results per graph. The visitors and visit time graphs are set to use bar charts instead of line charts.{{< /sidenote >}} ```cfg # Set default HTML preferences. html-prefs {"theme":"darkBlue","perPage":20,"visitors":{"plot":{"chartType":"bar"}},"visit_time":{"plot":{"chartType":"bar"}}} ``` Make sure that all static files --- including files with a query string are categorized under the static files table. ```cfg # Include static files that contain a query string in the static files all-static-files true ``` Show statistics based on country by loading in a [`GeoIP`](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internet_geolocation) database. You can [install a database](https://archlinux.org/packages/extra/any/geoip-database/) from your Linux distribution of choice. ```cfg # Set GeoIP database path. geoip-database /usr/share/GeoIP/GeoLiteCity.dat ``` Everything runs in memory. {{< sidenote mark="Enable" set="right" >}}Check the [configure options](https://goaccess.io/download) to compile with Tokyo Cabinet Support. For example --- `./configure --enable-utf8 --enable-geoip=legacy --enable-tcb=btree --disable-zlib --disable-bzip`{{< /sidenote >}} [Tokyo Cabinet](http://fallabs.com/tokyocabinet/) and store the results as a database on the file system. ```cfg ### GoAccess version <= 1.3 # Persist parsed data into disk. keep-db-files true # Load previously stored data from disk. load-from-disk true # Path where the on-disk database files are stored. db-path /tmp/ ``` Newer versions use a [different syntax](https://github.com/allinurl/goaccess/commit/960923e604840f63c8257c5f67ae3ac83eea0a52) and will not require setting up specific configure options. ```cfg ### GoAccess version >= 1.4 # Persist parsed data into disk. persist true # Load previously stored data from disk. restore true # Path where the on-disk database files are stored. db-path /tmp ``` Now stream the logs into `goaccess` using our souped--up config. GoAccess will process the rotated logs of `nginx` in addition to the current access log stipulated in `goaccess.conf`. ```shell zcat --force /var/log/nginx/access.log-* | goaccess --config-file=/opt/goaccess/config/goaccess.conf - ```