This is what you see if you don't extend the base template's main block.
{{- end -}}+++ date = "2023-01-30T05:23:28+00:00" publishdate = "2023-12-29T07:08:55+00:00" title = "Incremental Writes in Hugo" slug = "incremental-writes-in-hugo" author = "Thedro" tags = ["hugo"] type = "posts" summary = "Lately I’ve been twiddling with a few sufficiently complex Hugo themes and thought I’d share an interesting approach for rendering small changes quickly." draft = "" syntax = "1" toc = "" updated = "2023-01-31" +++ ![Hugo's landing page](/images/incremental-writes-in-hugo.png " Hugo's [homepage](" ) Lately I've been twiddling with a few sufficiently complex [Hugo]( themes and thought I'd share an interesting approach for rendering small changes quickly. In absence of a better term --- "incremental writes" will do and this method works best when there's a lot happening inside a theme that renders in the `1,000` ~ `10,000+` and beyond page range. So what's Hugo and why is it great? Well it's the ultimate static site generator (`SSG`) that just gets things done. The reason it's great is due to its {{< sidenote mark="good" set="left" >}} Low complexity, easy maintenance, and little to no shenanigans. {{< /sidenote >}} build and install story along with its {{< sidenote mark="hands--off" set="right" >}} In terms of web development. {{< /sidenote >}} abstraction of things. The code discussed here isn't necessarily intended to be used with [`hugo server`]( because it has its own fast rendering mode that works well enough if a theme is adequately simple and well written. This is more of an approach for rendering and previewing a large, complex, and messy theme quickly with just the plain `hugo` command. My `hugo` version is `v0.108.0`. ```shell $ hugo version hugo v0.108.0+extended linux/amd64 BuildDate=unknown ``` ## Overview of Site Rendering Before going into the details of making `hugo` write files incrementally it's useful to have a simple idea of the minimum requirements of a theme and the way a site is rendered. ```shell |-- config.json |-- config.toml |-- config.yaml |-- content | `-- markdown | |-- | |-- | `-- `-- themes `-- base `-- layouts `-- _default `-- baseof.html `-- index.html ``` The directory structure above along with one of the basic [configuration formats]( are all that's required to render a theme. Inside the content folder there's the [Markdown]( source and inside the themes folder are the layout files. Below is a minimal `config.yaml` that disables specific outputs because for this explanation the `home` and `page` outputs are the only concern. ```yaml {options="hl_lines=13-17 20-21 28-29",caption="config.yaml"} --- baseURL: theme: base title: Base languageCode: en-us paginate: 10 summaryLength: 1 taxonomies: tag: tags disableKinds: - sitemap - term - section - taxonomy outputs: home: - html section: - html taxonomy: - html term: - html page: - html ``` Default formats are output ["kinds"]( that are split across home, section, taxonomy, term, and page. This separation avoids thinking about redundant logic and common repetitive patterns. Home pages are rendered by `index.html`, sections by `section.html`, taxonomies by `taxonomy.html`, terms by `term.html` and pages by `single.html`. | Kinds | Layouts | | :-------------: | :------------------------: | | `home` | `_default/index.html` | | `section` | `_default/section.html` | | `taxonomy` | `_default/taxonomy.html` | | `term` | `_default/term.html` | | `page` | `_default/single.html` | [Base layouts]( are the authoritative boilerplate that markup and {{< sidenote mark="data" set="left" >}} Generally it's best to avoid templating data directly --- but if you're careful enough you can get away with it handily. {{< /sidenote >}} templates of different kinds (home, section, taxonomy, term, page) extend and render. This is a common approach for most frameworks when smashing together `HTML` (Hypertext Markup Language). The ideal scenario is to only extend base layouts and keep visual interpolation and noise to a minimum. ```shell {caption="Base Templates"} `-- themes `-- base `-- layouts `-- _default `-- baseof.html `-- baseof.json `-- baseof.xml `-- baseof.txt ``` For `HTML` and other boilerplate if there's confusion over what type or kind is in use, then appending that information to the markup or data in a non--obstructive way works wonders. A `block` opens up a space inside a base template and a `define` elsewhere fills in or extends that space with the desired content. ```html {options="hl_lines=4-5 9-11 18-23",caption="themes/base/layouts/_default/baseof.html"}
This is what you see if you don't extend the base template's main block.
{{- end -}} ``` ## Incremental Writes Writing output incrementally exploits the way `hugo` evaluates base templates. The whole site still has to be read but like a novel reading is faster than writing --- and the computer is not much different. So the speed up here makes `hugo` mostly read things and not write them. It just so happens that if a base template for a particular kind evaluates to nothing well then --- `hugo` does nothing. Multiple conditions exist for choosing which files to process and write but the most obvious one compares the modification dates of the source `markdown` with the resulting `index.html` in the {{< sidenote mark="public" set="left" >}} There's a bit of string cutting going on inside the `$page` variable and that's due to attempts at supporting both domain and sub--directory detection from the base `URL` (Uniform Resource Locator). {{< /sidenote >}} folder. A [function template]( below checks the modification time using the page's context as input and returns its modified state as a `true` or `false` output. ```go-html-template {options="hl_lines=1 4 6-10 24-27 31",caption="themes/base/layouts/partials/function-page-modified.html"} {{- $input := . -}} {{- $pageContext := $input -}} {{- $markdown := print "content/" $pageContext.File -}} {{- $markdownModTime := "" -}} {{- $page := print "public/" (strings.TrimPrefix $pageContext.Page.Site.BaseURL $pageContext.Page.Permalink ) "index.html" -}} {{- $pageModTime := "" -}} {{- if fileExists $markdown -}} {{- $markdownModTime = (os.Stat $markdown).ModTime -}} {{- end -}} {{- if fileExists $page -}} {{- $pageModTime = (os.Stat $page).ModTime -}} {{- end -}} {{- $modified := gt $markdownModTime $pageModTime -}} {{- $output := or $modified (in (slice "home" "section" "taxonomy" "term" ) $pageContext.Page.Kind) -}} {{- return $output -}} ``` One of the upsides to this particular function is that it also allows turning off writes for particular parts of the site with an `in slice` check against the current page's kind. ```html {options="hl_lines=1 3 34",caption="themes/base/layouts/_default/baseof.html"} {{- $modified := partial "function-page-modified.html" . -}} {{- if $modified -}}This is what you see if you don't extend the base template's main block.
{{- end -}}