+++ date = "2021-05-31T20:26:07+00:00" publishdate = "2023-12-29T07:08:55+00:00" title = "A Few Abstracts" slug = "a-few-abstracts" author = "Thedro" tags = ["abstract"] type = "posts" summary = "The intention this month was to release a post on \"cooking and baking\" Linux distributions from a NixOS perspective, but instead I'll the release the beginnings of my abstracts page." draft = "" syntax = "" toc = "" updated = "" +++ {{< image source="/images/a-few-abstracts.png" title="Abstracts Page" >}} Abstracts Page {{< /image >}} The intention this month was to release a post on "cooking and baking" Linux distributions from a [NixOS](https://nixos.org/) perspective, but instead I'll release the beginnings of my [abstracts page.](/abstracts/) The abstracts page will contain short {{< sidenote mark="summaries" set="right" >}} I've read so many books now, that it's hard to keep the main ideas in my head. {{< /sidenote >}} on books, media, games, and other material not directly related to programming and tech in general. We'll kick it off with abstracts of [The Art of Being Right,](/abstracts/the-art-of-being-right/) [Aria the Animation,](/abstracts/aria-the-animation/) and [Golden Sun.](/abstracts/golden-sun/)