baseurl = "/posts/" title = "Edwin Mattiacci - Posts" languageCode = "en-us" disableKinds = ["404"] # Pagination paginate = 3 paginatePath = "page" # Theme to use theme = "edwin" [taxonomies] tag = "tags" category = "categories" # Links format [permalinks] post = "/:year/:month/:title/" [params] # Main sections (currently used for the recent posts in the sidebar) mainSections = ["post"] # Default author author = "Edwin Mattiacci" # Date format (default: Jan 2, 2006) # date_format = "Jan 2, 2006" # Display post summaries instead of content in list templates (default: true) # truncate = false [params.sidebar] # Whether to show the recent posts or not (default: true) # showRecent = false # Whether to show the taxonomies or not (default: true) # showTaxonomy = false # How many posts to show on the sidebar (Default: 5) # num_recent_posts = 5