. class Statistics { public $mode; public $executionStart; public $executionEnd; public $executionMicroTime; public $executionTime; public $scriptMemory; public $systemMemory; public function __construct ($mode = 'php') { $this->mode = $mode; } // Script execution starting time public function executionStart () { // Start time in seconds $this->executionStart = microtime (true); } // Script execution ending time public function executionEnd () { // End time in seconds $this->executionEnd = microtime (true); // Difference between start time and end time in seconds $this->executionMicroTime = $this->executionEnd - $this->executionStart; // Unit to divided memory bytes by (1,024² for mibibytes) $division_unit = pow (1024, 2); // Memory the script consumed divided by division unit $script_memory = round (memory_get_peak_usage () / $division_unit, 2); $this->scriptMemory = $script_memory . ' MiB'; // Memory the system consumed divided by division unit $system_memory = round (memory_get_peak_usage (true) / $division_unit, 2); $this->systemMemory = $system_memory . ' MiB'; // Display execution time in millisecond(s) if ($this->executionMicroTime < 1) { $this->executionTime = round ($this->executionMicroTime * 1000, 5) . ' ms'; } else { // Display execution time in seconds $this->executionTime = round ($this->executionMicroTime, 5) . ' Second'; // Add plural to any execution time other than one if ($this->executionMicroTime !== 1) { $this->executionTime .= 's'; } } // Statistics inner-comment $statistics = PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL; $statistics .= "\t" . 'HashOver Statistics' . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL; $statistics .= "\t" . 'Execution Time : ' . $this->executionTime . PHP_EOL; $statistics .= "\t" . 'Script Memory Peak : ' . $this->scriptMemory . PHP_EOL; $statistics .= "\t" . 'System Memory Peak : ' . $this->systemMemory; $statistics .= PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL; // Return statistics as JavaScript comment if ($this->mode !== 'php') { return PHP_EOL . '/*' . $statistics . '*/'; } // Return statistics as HTML comment by default return PHP_EOL . ''; } }