. class HTMLTag { protected $tag; protected $usesPrettyPrint = true; protected $isSingleton; protected $attributes = array (); protected $children = array (); public function __construct ($tag = '', $attributes = '', $pretty = true, $singleton = false, $spaced = true) { if (!is_string ($tag) or !$this->isWord ($tag)) { $this->throwError ('Tag must have a single word String value.'); return; } if (!is_bool ($singleton)) { $this->throwError ('Singleton parameter must have a Boolean value.'); return; } if (!is_bool ($pretty)) { $this->throwError ('Pretty Print parameter must have a Boolean value.'); return; } $this->tag = !empty ($tag) ? $tag : 'span'; $this->usesPrettyPrint = $pretty; $this->isSingleton = $singleton; switch (gettype ($attributes)) { case 'object': { $this->appendChild ($attributes); break; } case 'array': { $this->createAttributes ($attributes, $spaced); break; } default: { $this->innerHTML ($attributes); break; } } } public function __get ($name) { switch ($name) { case 'innerHTML': { return $this->getInnerHTML (); } } } protected function isWord ($string) { if (empty ($string)) { return false; } if (!preg_match ('/[a-z0-9:-_.]+/iS', $string)) { return false; } return true; } protected function throwError ($error) { $backtrace = debug_backtrace (); $line = $backtrace[1]['line']; throw new \Exception ('Error on line ' . $line . ': ' . $error); } public function getInnerHTML ($indention = '') { $inner_html = array (); foreach ($this->children as $child) { if (is_object ($child)) { $inner_html[] = $child->asHTML ($indention); continue; } $inner_html[] = $child; } return implode (PHP_EOL . $indention, $inner_html); } public function createAttribute ($name = '', $value = '', $spaced = true) { if (!is_string ($name) or !$this->isWord ($name)) { $this->throwError ('Attribute name must have a single word String value.'); return false; } if (is_array ($value)) { $glue = ($spaced !== false) ? ' ' : ''; $this->attributes[$name] = implode ($glue, $value); return true; } $this->attributes[$name] = $value; return true; } public function innerHTML ($html = '') { if ($this->isSingleton === true) { $this->throwError ('Singleton tags do not have innerHTML.'); return false; } if (!empty ($html)) { $this->children = array ($html); } return true; } public function appendInnerHTML ($html = '') { if ($this->isSingleton === true) { $this->throwError ('Singleton tags do not have innerHTML.'); return false; } if (!empty ($html)) { $this->children[] = $html; } return true; } public function createAttributes (array $attributes, $spaced = true) { if (!is_array ($attributes)) { $this->throwError ('Attributes parameter must have an Array value.'); return; } foreach ($attributes as $key => $value) { switch ($key) { case 'children': { if (is_array ($value)) { for ($i = 0, $il = count ($value); $i < $il; $i++) { $this->appendChild ($value[$i]); } } break; } case 'innerHTML': { $this->innerHTML ($value); break; } default: { $this->createAttribute ($key, $value, $spaced); break; } } } } public function appendAttribute ($name = '', $value = '', $spaced = true) { if (!is_string ($name) or !$this->isWord ($name)) { $this->throwError ('Attribute name must have a single word String value.'); return false; } if (!empty ($this->attributes[$name])) { if ($spaced !== false) { $this->attributes[$name] .= ' '; } } else { $this->attributes[$name] = ''; } if (is_array ($value)) { $glue = ($spaced !== false) ? ' ' : ''; $this->attributes[$name] .= implode ($glue, $value); return true; } $this->attributes[$name] .= $value; return true; } public function appendAttributes (array $attributes, $spaced = true) { if (!is_array ($attributes)) { $this->throwError ('Attributes parameter must have an Array value.'); return; } foreach ($attributes as $key => $value) { if ($key === 'innerHTML') { $this->appendInnerHTML ($value); continue; } $this->appendAttribute ($key, $value, $spaced); } } public function appendChild (HTMLTag $object) { if ($this->isSingleton === true) { $this->throwError ('Singleton tags do not have children.'); return false; } if (!is_object ($object)) { $given_type = ucwords (gettype ($object)); $this->throwError ($given_type . ' given, when Object is expected.'); return false; } $this->children[] = $object; return true; } public function asHTML ($indention = '') { $attributes = ''; foreach ($this->attributes as $name => $value) { $value = str_replace ('"', '"', $value); $attributes .= ' ' . $name . '="' . $value . '"'; } $tag = '<' . $this->tag . $attributes . '>'; if ($this->isSingleton === false) { if (!empty ($this->children)) { $inner_html = $this->getInnerHTML (); if ($this->usesPrettyPrint !== false) { $tag .= PHP_EOL . "\t"; $tag .= str_replace (PHP_EOL, PHP_EOL . "\t", $inner_html); $tag .= PHP_EOL; } else { $tag .= $inner_html; } } $tag .= 'tag . '>'; } if (!empty ($indention)) { return str_replace (PHP_EOL, PHP_EOL . $indention, $tag); } return $tag; } }