. class FormUI { public $setup; public $mode; public $locale; public $avatars; public $misc; public $cookies; public $login; public $commentCounts; public $pageTitle; public $pageURL; public $postCommentOn; public $popularComments; public $comments; protected $emphasizedField; protected $defaultLoginInputs; public function __construct (Setup $setup, array $counts) { $this->setup = $setup; $this->mode = $setup->usage['mode']; $this->locale = new Locale ($setup); $this->login = new Login ($setup); $this->avatars = new Avatars ($setup); $this->misc = new Misc ($this->mode); $this->cookies = new Cookies ($setup); $this->commentCounts = $counts; $this->pageTitle = $this->setup->pageTitle; $this->pageURL = $this->setup->pageURL; // Attempt to get form field submission failed on $failedField = $this->cookies->getValue ('failed-on'); // Set the field to emphasize after a failed post if ($failedField !== null) { $this->emphasizedField = $failedField; } // "Post a comment" locale strings // $post_comment_on = $this->locale->text['post-comment-on']; // $this->postCommentOn = $post_comment_on[0]; // Add optional "on " to "Post a comment" title if ($this->setup->displaysTitle !== false and !empty ($this->pageTitle)) { $this->postCommentOn = sprintf ($post_comment_on[1], $this->pageTitle); } // Create default login inputs elements $this->defaultLoginInputs = $this->loginInputs (); } // Re-encode a URL protected function safeURLEncode ($url) { return urlencode (urldecode ($url)); } // Creates input elements for user login information protected function loginInputs ($permalink = '', $edit_form = false, $name = '', $website = '') { $permalink = !empty ($permalink) ? '-' . $permalink : ''; // Login input attribute information $login_input_attributes = array ( 'name' => array ( 'wrapper-class' => 'hashover-name-input', 'label-class' => 'hashover-name-label', 'placeholder' => $this->locale->text['name'], 'input-id' => 'hashover-main-name' . $permalink, 'input-type' => 'text', 'input-name' => 'name', 'input-title' => $this->locale->text['name-tip'], 'input-value' => $this->misc->makeXSSsafe ($this->login->name) ), 'password' => array ( 'wrapper-class' => 'hashover-password-input', 'label-class' => 'hashover-password-label', 'placeholder' => $this->locale->text['password'], 'input-id' => 'hashover-main-password' . $permalink, 'input-type' => 'password', 'input-name' => 'password', 'input-title' => $this->locale->text['password-tip'], 'input-value' => '' ), 'email' => array ( 'wrapper-class' => 'hashover-email-input', 'label-class' => 'hashover-email-label', 'placeholder' => $this->locale->text['email'], 'input-id' => 'hashover-main-email' . $permalink, 'input-type' => 'email', 'input-name' => 'email', 'input-title' => $this->locale->text['email-tip'], 'input-value' => $this->misc->makeXSSsafe ($this->login->email) ), 'website' => array ( 'wrapper-class' => 'hashover-website-input', 'label-class' => 'hashover-website-label', 'placeholder' => $this->locale->text['website'], 'input-id' => 'hashover-main-website' . $permalink, 'input-type' => 'url', 'input-name' => 'website', 'input-title' => $this->locale->text['website-tip'], 'input-value' => $this->misc->makeXSSsafe ($this->login->website) ) ); // Change input values to specified values if ($edit_form === true) { $login_input_attributes['name']['input-value'] = $name; $login_input_attributes['password']['placeholder'] = $this->locale->text['confirm-password']; $login_input_attributes['password']['input-title'] = $this->locale->text['confirm-password']; $login_input_attributes['website']['input-value'] = $website; } // Create wrapper element for styling login inputs $login_inputs = new HTMLTag ('div', array ( 'class' => 'hashover-inputs' )); // Create and append login input elements to main form inputs wrapper element foreach ($login_input_attributes as $field => $attributes) { // Skip disabled input tags if ($this->setup->fieldOptions[$field] === false) { continue; } // Create cell element for inputs $input_cell = new HTMLTag ('div', array ( 'class' => 'hashover-input-cell' )); if ($this->setup->usesLabels === true) { // Create label element for input $label = new HTMLTag ('label', array ( 'for' => $attributes['input-id'], 'class' => $attributes['label-class'], 'innerHTML' => $attributes['placeholder'] ), false); // Add label to cell element $input_cell->appendChild ($label); } // Create wrapper element for input $input_wrapper = new HTMLTag ('div', array ( 'class' => $attributes['wrapper-class'] )); // Add a class for indicating a required field if ($this->setup->fieldOptions[$field] === 'required') { $input_wrapper->appendAttribute ('class', 'hashover-required-input'); } // Add a class for indicating a post failure if ($this->emphasizedField === $field) { $input_wrapper->appendAttribute ('class', 'hashover-emphasized-input'); } // Create input element $input = new HTMLTag ('input', array ( 'id' => $attributes['input-id'], 'class' => 'hashover-input-info shadow-md appearance-none block w-full bg-gray-100' . ' text-gray-800 border border-gray-100 rounded py-3 px-4 mb-3' . ' leading-tight focus:outline-none focus:bg-white focus:border-gray-500', 'type' => $attributes['input-type'], 'name' => $attributes['input-name'], 'value' => $attributes['input-value'], 'title' => $attributes['input-title'], 'placeholder' => $attributes['placeholder'] ), false, true); // Add input to wrapper element $input_wrapper->appendChild ($input); // Add input to cell element $input_cell->appendChild ($input_wrapper); // Add input cell to main inputs wrapper element $login_inputs->appendChild ($input_cell); } return $login_inputs; } protected function avatar ($text) { // If avatars set to images if ($this->setup->iconMode === 'image') { // Logged in if ($this->login->userIsLoggedIn === true) { // Image source is avatar image $hash = !empty ($this->login->email) ? md5 (mb_strtolower (trim ($this->login->email))) : ''; $avatar_src = $this->avatars->getGravatar ($hash); } else { // Logged out // Image source is local default image $avatar_src = $this->setup->getImagePath ('first-comment'); } // Create avatar image element $avatar = new HTMLTag ('div', array ( 'style' => 'background-image: url(\'' . $avatar_src . '\');' ), false); } else { // Avatars set to count // Create element displaying comment number user will be $avatar = new HTMLTag ('span', $text, false); } return $avatar; } protected function subscribeLabel ($id = '', $type = 'main', $checked = true) { // Create subscribe checkbox label element $subscribe_label = new HTMLTag ('label', array ( 'for' => 'hashover-' . $type . '-subscribe', 'class' => 'hashover-' . $type . '-label', 'title' => $this->locale->text['subscribe-tip'] )); if (!empty ($id)) { $subscribe_label->appendAttribute ('for', '-' . $id, false); } // Create subscribe element checkbox $subscribe = new HTMLTag ('input', array ( 'id' => 'hashover-' . $type . '-subscribe', 'type' => 'checkbox', 'name' => 'subscribe' ), false, true); if (!empty ($id)) { $subscribe->appendAttribute ('id', '-' . $id, false); } // Check checkbox if ($checked === true) { $subscribe->createAttribute ('checked', 'true'); } // Add subscribe checkbox element to subscribe checkbox label element $subscribe_label->appendChild ($subscribe); // Add text to subscribe checkbox label element $subscribe_label->appendInnerHTML ($this->locale->text['subscribe']); return $subscribe_label; } protected function acceptedFormatCell ($format, $locale_key) { $title = new HTMLTag ('p', array ('class' => 'hashover-title')); $accepted_format = sprintf ($this->locale->text['accepted-format'], $format); $title->innerHTML ($accepted_format); $paragraph = new HTMLTag ('p'); $paragraph->innerHTML ($this->locale->text[$locale_key]); return new HTMLTag ('div', array ( 'children' => array ($title, $paragraph) )); } protected function commentForm (HTMLTag $form, $type, $placeholder, $text, $permalink = '') { $permalink = !empty ($permalink) ? '-' . $permalink : ''; $title_locale = ($type === 'reply') ? 'reply-form' : 'comment-form'; // Create textarea $textarea = new HTMLTag ('textarea', array ( 'id' => 'hashover-' . $type . '-comment' . $permalink, 'class' => 'hashover-textarea shadow-md appearance-none block w-full' . ' bg-gray-100 text-gray-800 border border-gray-100' . ' rounded py-3 px-4 mb-3 leading-tight focus:outline-none' . ' focus:bg-white focus:border-gray-500 hashover-' . $type . '-textarea', 'cols' => '63', 'name' => 'comment', 'rows' => '6', 'title' => $this->locale->text[$title_locale] ), false); // Set the placeholder attribute if one is given if (!empty ($placeholder)) { $textarea->createAttribute ('placeholder', $placeholder); } if ($type === 'main') { // Add a class for indicating a post failure if ($this->emphasizedField === 'comment') { $textarea->appendAttribute ('class', 'hashover-emphasized-input'); } // If the comment was a reply, have the textarea use the reply textarea locale if ($this->cookies->getValue ('replied') !== null) { $reply_form_placeholder = $this->locale->text['reply-form']; $textarea->createAttribute ('placeholder', $reply_form_placeholder); } } // Set textarea content if given any text if (!empty ($text)) { $textarea->innerHTML ($text); } // Add textarea element to form element $form->appendChild ($textarea); // Create element for various messages when needed if ($type !== 'main') { $message = new HTMLTag ('div', array ( 'id' => 'hashover-' . $type . '-message-container' . $permalink, 'class' => 'hashover-message', 'children' => array ( new HTMLTag ('div', array ( 'id' => 'hashover-' . $type . '-message' . $permalink )) ) )); // Add message element to form element $form->appendChild ($message); } // Create accepted HTML message element $accepted_formatting_message = new HTMLTag ('div', array ( 'id' => 'hashover-' . $type . '-formatting-message' . $permalink, 'class' => 'hashover-formatting-message' )); // Create formatting table $accepted_formatting_table = new HTMLTag ('div', array ( 'class' => 'hashover-formatting-table', 'children' => array ( $this->acceptedFormatCell ('HTML', 'accepted-html') ) )); // Append Markdown cell if Markdown is enabled if ($this->setup->usesMarkdown !== false) { $markdown_cell = $this->acceptedFormatCell ('Markdown', 'accepted-markdown'); $accepted_formatting_table->appendChild ($markdown_cell); } // Append formatting table to formatting message $accepted_formatting_message->appendChild ($accepted_formatting_table); // Ensure the accepted HTML message is open in PHP mode if ($this->mode === 'php') { $accepted_formatting_message->appendAttribute ('class', 'hashover-message-open'); $accepted_formatting_message->appendAttribute ('class', 'hashover-php-message-open'); } // Add accepted HTML message element to form element // $form->appendChild ($accepted_formatting_message); } protected function pageInfoFields (HTMLTag $form) { // Create hidden comment thread input element $thread_input = new HTMLTag ('input', array ( 'type' => 'hidden', 'name' => 'thread', 'value' => $this->setup->threadName ), false, true); // Add hidden comments thread input element to form element $form->appendChild ($thread_input); // Create hidden page URL input element $url_input = new HTMLTag ('input', array ( 'type' => 'hidden', 'name' => 'url', 'value' => $this->pageURL ), false, true); // Add hidden page URL input element to form element $form->appendChild ($url_input); // Create hidden page title input element $title_input = new HTMLTag ('input', array ( 'type' => 'hidden', 'name' => 'title', 'value' => $this->pageTitle ), false, true); // Add hidden page title input element to form element $form->appendChild ($title_input); // Check if the script is being remotely accessed if ($this->setup->remoteAccess === true) { // Create hidden input element indicating remote access $remote_access_input = new HTMLTag ('input', array ( 'type' => 'hidden', 'name' => 'remote-access', 'value' => 'true' ), false, true); // Add remote access input element to form element $form->appendChild ($remote_access_input); } } protected function acceptedFormatting ($type, $permalink = '') { $permalink = !empty ($permalink) ? '-' . $permalink : ''; $accepted_format = $this->locale->text['comment-formatting']; // Create accepted HTML message revealer hyperlink $accepted_formatting = new HTMLTag ('span', array ( 'id' => 'hashover-' . $type . '-formatting' . $permalink, 'class' => 'hashover-fake-link hashover-formatting', 'title' => $accepted_format, 'innerHTML' => $accepted_format )); // Return the hyperlink return $accepted_formatting; } public function initialHTML ($hashover_wrapper = true) { // Create element that HashOver comments will appear in $hashover_element = new HTMLTag ('div', array ( 'id' => 'hashover', 'class' => 'hashover' ), false); // Add class for differentiating desktop and mobile styling if ($this->setup->isMobile === true) { $hashover_element->appendAttribute ('class', 'hashover-mobile'); } else { $hashover_element->appendAttribute ('class', 'hashover-desktop'); } // Add class to indicate user login status if ($this->login->userIsLoggedIn === true) { $hashover_element->appendAttribute ('class', 'hashover-logged-in'); } else { $hashover_element->appendAttribute ('class', 'hashover-logged-out'); } // Create element for jump anchor $jump_anchor = new HTMLTag ('div', array ( 'id' => 'comments' )); // Add jump anchor to HashOver element $hashover_element->appendChild ($jump_anchor); // Create primary form wrapper element $form_section = new HTMLTag ('div', array ( 'id' => 'hashover-form-section' )); // Hide primary form wrapper if comments are to be initially hidden if ($this->mode !== 'php' and $this->setup->collapsesInterface === true) { $form_section->createAttribute ('style', 'display: none;'); } // Create element for "Post Comment" title $post_title = new HTMLTag ('span', array ( 'class' => array ( 'hashover-title', 'hashover-main-title', 'hashover-dashed-title' ), 'innerHTML' => $this->postCommentOn )); // Add "Post Comment" element to primary form wrapper $form_section->appendChild ($post_title); // Create element for various messages when needed $message_container = new HTMLTag ('div', array ( 'id' => 'hashover-message-container', 'class' => 'hashover-title hashover-message' )); // Create element for message text $message_element = new HTMLTag ('div', array ( 'id' => 'hashover-message', 'class' => 'bg-red-lightest border border-red-light text-red-dark px-4 py-3 rounded relative mb-4' )); // Check if message cookie is set if ($this->cookies->getValue ('message') !== null or $this->cookies->getValue ('error') !== null) { // If so, set the message element to open in PHP mode if ($this->mode === 'php') { $message_container->appendAttribute ('class', array ( 'hashover-message-open', 'hashover-php-message-open' )); } // Check if the message is a normal message if ($this->cookies->getValue ('message') !== null) { // If so, get an XSS safe version of the message $message = $this->misc->makeXSSsafe ($this->cookies->getValue ('message')); } else { // If not, get an XSS safe version of the error message $message = $this->misc->makeXSSsafe ($this->cookies->getValue ('error')); // And set a class to the message element indicating an error $message_container->appendAttribute ('class', 'hashover-message-error'); } // And put current message into message element $message_element->innerHTML ($message); } // Add message text element to message element $message_container->appendChild ($message_element); // Add message element to primary form wrapper $form_section->appendChild ($message_container); // Create main HashOver form $main_form = new HTMLTag ('form', array ( 'id' => 'hashover-form', 'class' => 'hashover-balloon', 'name' => 'hashover-form', 'action' => '/formactions', 'method' => 'post' )); // Create wrapper element for styling inputs $main_inputs = new HTMLTag ('div', array ( 'class' => 'hashover-inputs' )); // If avatars are enabled if ($this->setup->iconMode !== 'none') { // Create avatar element for main HashOver form $main_avatar = new HTMLTag ('div', array ( 'class' => 'hashover-avatar-image' )); // Add count element to avatar element $main_avatar->appendChild ($this->avatar ($this->commentCounts['primary'])); // Add avatar element to inputs wrapper element $main_inputs->appendChild ($main_avatar); } // Logged in if ($this->login->userIsLoggedIn === true) { if (!empty ($this->login->name)) { $user_name = $this->misc->makeXSSsafe ($this->login->name); } else { $user_name = $this->setup->defaultName; } $user_website = $this->misc->makeXSSsafe ($this->login->website); $name_class = 'hashover-name-plain'; $is_twitter = false; // Check if user's name is a Twitter handle if ($user_name[0] === '@') { $user_name = mb_substr ($user_name, 1); $name_class = 'hashover-name-twitter'; $is_twitter = true; $name_length = mb_strlen ($user_name); if ($name_length > 1 and $name_length <= 30) { if (empty ($user_website)) { $user_website = 'http://twitter.com/' . $user_name; } } } // Create element for logged user's name $main_form_column_spanner = new HTMLTag ('div', array ( 'class' => 'hashover-comment-name hashover-top-name' ), false); // Check if user gave website if (!empty ($user_website)) { if ($is_twitter === false) { $name_class = 'hashover-name-website'; } // Create link to user's website $main_form_hyperlink = new HTMLTag ('a', array ( 'href' => $user_website, 'rel' => 'noopener noreferrer', 'target' => '_blank', 'title' => $user_name, 'innerHTML' => $user_name ), false); // Add username hyperlink to main form column spanner $main_form_column_spanner->appendChild ($main_form_hyperlink); } else { // No website $main_form_column_spanner->innerHTML ($user_name); } // Set classes user's name spanner $main_form_column_spanner->appendAttribute ('class', $name_class); // Add main form column spanner to inputs wrapper element $main_inputs->appendChild ($main_form_column_spanner); } else { // Logged out // Use default login inputs $main_inputs->appendInnerHTML ($this->defaultLoginInputs->innerHTML); } // Add inputs wrapper to form element $main_form->appendChild ($main_inputs); // Create fake "required fields" element as a SPAM trap $required_fields = new HTMLTag ('div', array ( 'id' => 'hashover-requiredFields' )); $fake_fields = array ( 'summary' => 'hidden', 'age' => 'hidden', 'lastname' => 'hidden', 'address' => 'hidden', 'zip' => 'hidden', ); // Create and append fake input elements to fake required fields foreach ($fake_fields as $name => $type) { $fake_input = new HTMLTag ('input', array ( 'type' => $type, 'name' => $name, 'value' => '' ), false, true); // Add fake summary input element to fake required fields $required_fields->appendInnerHTML ($fake_input->asHTML ()); } // Add fake input elements to form element $main_form->appendChild ($required_fields); // Post button locale $post_button = $this->locale->text['post-button']; // Create label element for comment textarea if ($this->setup->usesLabels === true) { $main_comment_label = new HTMLTag ('label', array ( 'for' => 'hashover-main-comment', 'class' => 'hashover-comment-label', 'innerHTML' => $post_button ), false); // Add comment label to form element $main_form->appendChild ($main_comment_label); } // Get comment text if a comment cookie is set $comment_text = $this->misc->makeXSSsafe ($this->cookies->getValue ('comment')); // Comment form placeholder text $comment_form = $this->locale->text['comment-form']; // Create main textarea element and add it to form element $this->commentForm ($main_form, 'main', $comment_form, $comment_text); // Add page info fields to main form $this->pageInfoFields ($main_form); // Check if comment is a failed reply if ($this->cookies->getValue ('replied') !== null) { // If so, get the comment being replied to $replied = $this->cookies->getValue ('replied'); // Create hidden reply to input element $reply_to_input = new HTMLTag ('input', array ( 'type' => 'hidden', 'name' => 'reply-to', 'value' => $this->misc->makeXSSsafe ($replied) ), false, true); // And add hidden reply to input element to form element $main_form->appendChild ($reply_to_input); } // Create wrapper element for main form footer $main_form_footer = new HTMLTag ('div', array ( 'class' => 'hashover-form-footer' )); // Create wrapper for form links $main_form_links_wrapper = new HTMLTag ('span', array ( 'class' => 'hashover-form-links' )); // Add checkbox label element to main form buttons wrapper element // if ($this->setup->fieldOptions['email'] !== false) { // if ($this->login->userIsLoggedIn === false or !empty ($this->login->email)) { // $main_form_links_wrapper->appendChild ($this->subscribeLabel ()); // } // } // Create and add accepted HTML revealer hyperlink if ($this->mode !== 'php') { $main_form_links_wrapper->appendChild ($this->acceptedFormatting ('main')); } // Add main form links wrapper to main form footer element $main_form_footer->appendChild ($main_form_links_wrapper); // Create wrapper for form buttons $main_form_buttons_wrapper = new HTMLTag ('span', array ( 'class' => 'hashover-form-buttons' )); // Create "Login" / "Logout" button element if ($this->setup->allowsLogin !== false or $this->login->userIsLoggedIn === true) { $login_button = new HTMLTag ('input', array ( 'id' => 'hashover-login-button', 'class' => 'hashover-submit', 'type' => 'submit' ), false, true); // Check login state if ($this->login->userIsLoggedIn === true) { // Logged in $login_button->appendAttribute ('class', 'hashover-logout'); $logout_locale = $this->locale->text['logout']; // Create logged in attributes $login_button->createAttributes (array ( 'name' => 'logout', 'value' => $logout_locale, 'title' => $logout_locale )); } else { // Logged out $login_button->appendAttribute ('class', 'hashover-login'); // Create logged out attributes $login_button->createAttributes (array ( 'name' => 'login', 'value' => $this->locale->text['login'], 'title' => $this->locale->text['login-tip'] )); } // Add "Login" / "Logout" element to main form footer element $main_form_buttons_wrapper->appendChild ($login_button); } // Create "Post Comment" button element $main_post_button = new HTMLTag ('input', array ( 'id' => 'hashover-post-button', 'class' => 'hashover-submit hashover-post-button shadow bg-blue-400 hover:bg-blue-500' . ' focus:shadow-outline focus:outline-none text-white' . ' font-bold py-2 px-4 rounded my-4 cursor-pointer', 'type' => 'submit', 'name' => 'post', 'value' => $post_button, 'title' => $post_button ), false, true); // Add "Post Comment" element to main form buttons wrapper element $main_form_buttons_wrapper->appendChild ($main_post_button); // Add main form button wrapper to main form footer element $main_form_footer->appendChild ($main_form_buttons_wrapper); // Add main form footer to main form element $main_form->appendChild ($main_form_footer); // Add main form element to primary form wrapper $form_section->appendChild ($main_form); // Check if form position setting set to 'top' if ($this->setup->formPosition !== 'bottom') { // Add primary form wrapper to HashOver element $hashover_element->appendChild ($form_section); } if ($this->commentCounts['popular'] > 0) { // Create wrapper element for popular comments $popular_section = new HTMLTag ('div', array ( 'id' => 'hashover-popular-section' ), false); // Hide popular comments wrapper if comments are to be initially hidden if ($this->mode !== 'php') { if ($this->setup->collapsesInterface === true or $this->setup->collapseLimit <= 0) { $popular_section->createAttribute ('style', 'display: none;'); } } // Create wrapper element for popular comments title $pop_count_wrapper = new HTMLTag ('div', array ( 'class' => 'hashover-dashed-title' )); // Create element for popular comments title $pop_count_element = new HTMLTag ('span', array ( 'class' => 'hashover-title' )); // Add popular comments title text $popular_plural = ($this->commentCounts['popular'] !== 1) ? 1 : 0; $popular_comments_locale = $this->locale->text['popular-comments']; $pop_count_element->innerHTML ($popular_comments_locale[$popular_plural]); // Add popular comments title element to wrapper element $pop_count_wrapper->appendChild ($pop_count_element); // Add popular comments title wrapper element to popular comments section $popular_section->appendChild ($pop_count_wrapper); // Create element for popular comments to appear in $popular_comments = new HTMLTag ('div', array ( 'id' => 'hashover-top-comments' ), false); // Add comments to HashOver element if (!empty ($this->popularComments)) { $popular_comments->innerHTML (trim ($this->popularComments)); } // Add popular comments element to popular comments section $popular_section->appendChild ($popular_comments); // Add popular comments section to HashOver element $hashover_element->appendChild ($popular_section); } // Create wrapper element for comments $comments_section = new HTMLTag ('div', array ( 'id' => 'hashover-comments-section', 'class' => 'mt-2' ), false); // Create wrapper element for comment count and sort dropdown menu $count_sort_wrapper = new HTMLTag ('div', array ( 'id' => 'hashover-count-wrapper', 'class' => 'hashover-count-sort hashover-dashed-title text-right' )); // Create element for comment count $count_element = new HTMLTag ('span', array ( 'id' => 'hashover-count' )); // Add comment count to comment count element if ($this->commentCounts['total'] > 1) { $count_element->innerHTML ($this->commentCounts['show-count']); } // Add comment count element to wrapper element $comments_section->appendChild ($count_element); // JavaScript mode specific HTML if ($this->mode !== 'php') { // Hide wrapper if comments are to be initially hidden if ($this->setup->collapsesInterface === true) { $comments_section->createAttribute ('style', 'display: none;'); } // Hide comment count if collapse limit is set at zero if ($this->setup->collapseLimit <= 0 or $this->commentCounts['total'] <= 1) { $count_sort_wrapper->createAttribute ('style', 'display: none;'); } if ($this->commentCounts['total'] > 2) { // Create wrapper element for sort dropdown menu $sort_wrapper = new HTMLTag ('span', array ( 'id' => 'hashover-sort', 'class' => 'hashover-select-wrapper' )); // Create sort dropdown menu element $sort_select = new HTMLTag ('select', array ( 'id' => 'hashover-sort-select', 'name' => 'sort', 'class' => 'appearance-none mt-2 bg-white border inline-block' . ' border-gray-100 hover:border-gray-500 px-4 py-2 pr-8 rounded' . ' shadow leading-tight focus:outline-none focus:shadow-outline', 'size' => '1', 'title' => $this->locale->text['sort'] )); // Array of select tag sort options $sort_options = array ( array ('value' => 'ascending', 'innerHTML' => $this->locale->text['sort-ascending']), array ('value' => 'descending', 'innerHTML' => $this->locale->text['sort-descending']), array ('value' => 'by-date', 'innerHTML' => $this->locale->text['sort-by-date']), array ('value' => 'by-likes', 'innerHTML' => $this->locale->text['sort-by-likes']), array ('value' => 'by-replies', 'innerHTML' => $this->locale->text['sort-by-replies']), array ('value' => 'by-name', 'innerHTML' => $this->locale->text['sort-by-name']) ); // Create sort options for sort dropdown menu element for ($i = 0, $il = count ($sort_options); $i < $il; $i++) { $option = new HTMLTag ('option', array ( 'value' => $sort_options[$i]['value'], 'innerHTML' => $sort_options[$i]['innerHTML'] ), false); // Add sort option element to sort dropdown menu $sort_select->appendChild ($option); } // Create empty option group as spacer $spacer_optgroup = new HTMLTag ('optgroup', array ( 'label' => ' ' )); // Add spacer option group to sort dropdown menu $sort_select->appendChild ($spacer_optgroup); // Create option group for threaded sort options $threaded_optgroup = new HTMLTag ('optgroup', array ( 'label' => $this->locale->text['sort-threads'] )); // Array of select tag threaded sort options $threaded_sort_options = array ( array ('value' => 'threaded-descending', 'innerHTML' => $this->locale->text['sort-descending']), array ('value' => 'threaded-by-date', 'innerHTML' => $this->locale->text['sort-by-date']), array ('value' => 'threaded-by-likes', 'innerHTML' => $this->locale->text['sort-by-likes']), array ('value' => 'by-popularity', 'innerHTML' => $this->locale->text['sort-by-popularity']), array ('value' => 'by-discussion', 'innerHTML' => $this->locale->text['sort-by-discussion']), array ('value' => 'threaded-by-name', 'innerHTML' => $this->locale->text['sort-by-name']) ); // Create sort options for sort dropdown menu element for ($i = 0, $il = count ($threaded_sort_options); $i < $il; $i++) { $option = new HTMLTag ('option', array ( 'value' => $threaded_sort_options[$i]['value'], 'innerHTML' => $threaded_sort_options[$i]['innerHTML'] ), false); // Add sort option element to threaded option group $threaded_optgroup->appendChild ($option); } // Add threaded sort options group to sort dropdown menu $sort_select->appendChild ($threaded_optgroup); // Add sort dropdown menu element to sort wrapper element $sort_wrapper->appendChild ($sort_select); // Add comment count element to wrapper element $count_sort_wrapper->appendChild ($sort_wrapper); } } // Add comment count and sort dropdown menu wrapper to comments section $comments_section->appendChild ($count_sort_wrapper); // Create element that will hold the comments $sort_div = new HTMLTag ('div', array ( 'id' => 'hashover-sort-section', 'class' => 'mt-6' ), false); // Add comments to HashOver element if (!empty ($this->comments)) { $sort_div->innerHTML (trim ($this->comments)); } // Add comments element to comments section $comments_section->appendChild ($sort_div); // Add comments element to HashOver element $hashover_element->appendChild ($comments_section); // Check if form position setting set to 'bottom' if ($this->setup->formPosition === 'bottom') { // Add primary form wrapper to HashOver element $hashover_element->appendChild ($form_section); } // Create end links wrapper element $end_links_wrapper = new HTMLTag ('div', array ( 'id' => 'hashover-end-links' )); // Hide end links wrapper if comments are to be initially hidden if ($this->mode !== 'php' and $this->setup->collapsesInterface === true) { $end_links_wrapper->createAttribute ('style', 'display: none;'); } // HashOver Comments hyperlink text $homepage_link_text = $this->locale->text['hashover-comments']; // Create link back to HashOver homepage (fixme! get a real page!) $homepage_link = new HTMLTag ('a', array ( 'href' => 'http://tildehash.com/?page=hashover', 'id' => 'hashover-home-link', 'target' => '_blank', 'title' => $homepage_link_text, 'innerHTML' => $homepage_link_text ), false); // Add link back to HashOver homepage to end links wrapper element // $end_links_wrapper->innerHTML ($homepage_link->asHTML () . ' ‒'); // End links array $end_links = array (); if ($this->commentCounts['total'] > 1) { if ($this->setup->appendsRss === true and $this->setup->apiStatus ('rss') !== 'disabled') { // Create RSS feed link $rss_link = new HTMLTag ('a', array (), false); $rss_link->createAttribute ('href', $this->setup->getHttpPath ('api/rss.php')); $rss_link->appendAttribute ('href', '?url=' . $this->safeURLEncode ($this->setup->pageURL), false); // RSS Feed hyperlink text $rss_link_text = $this->locale->text['rss-feed']; $rss_link->createAttributes (array ( 'id' => 'hashover-rss-link', 'target' => '_blank', 'title' => $rss_link_text, 'innerHTML' => $rss_link_text )); // Add RSS hyperlink to end links array $end_links[] = $rss_link->asHTML (); } } // Source Code hyperlink text // $source_link_text = $this->locale->text['source-code']; // Create link to HashOver source code (fixme! can be done better) // $source_link = new HTMLTag ('a', array ( // 'href' => $this->setup->getBackendPath ('source-viewer.php'), // 'id' => 'hashover-source-link', // 'rel' => 'hashover-source', // 'target' => '_blank', // 'title' => $source_link_text, // 'innerHTML' => $source_link_text // ), false); // Add source code hyperlink to end links array // $end_links[] = $source_link->asHTML (); // if ($this->mode !== 'php') { // // Create link to HashOver JavaScript source code // $javascript_link = new HTMLTag ('a', array ( // 'href' => $this->setup->getHttpPath ('comments.php'), // 'id' => 'hashover-javascript-link', // 'rel' => 'hashover-javascript', // 'target' => '_blank', // 'title' => 'JavaScript' // ), false); // Add JavaScript code hyperlink text // $javascript_link->innerHTML ('JavaScript'); // Add JavaScript hyperlink to end links array // $end_links[] = $javascript_link->asHTML (); // } // Add end links to end links wrapper element $end_links_wrapper->appendInnerHTML (implode (' ·' . PHP_EOL, $end_links)); // Add end links wrapper element to HashOver element $hashover_element->appendChild ($end_links_wrapper); // Return all HTML with the HashOver wrapper element if ($hashover_wrapper === true) { return $hashover_element->asHTML (); } // Return just the HashOver wrapper element's innerHTML return $hashover_element->innerHTML; } }