let # Shell derivation condensed from https://git.petabyte.dev/petabyteboy/corenix # nix-shell -E 'import (builtins.fetchurl "$url")' name = "nix-shell.coreboot"; architecture = "i386"; url = "https://review.coreboot.org/coreboot"; project = "${builtins.getEnv "HOME"}/Shares/Projects/coreboot"; pkgs = import (builtins.fetchTarball { url = "https://releases.nixos.org/nixos/20.09/nixos-20.09.3824.dec334fa196/nixexprs.tar.xz"; sha256 = "1i38d1z672gzn73k6gsas2zjbbradg06w7dw3zs9f64l0hr3qd94"; }) {}; dependencies = { fetchurl }: [ rec { name = "llvm-${version}.src.tar.xz"; version = "11.0.0"; archive = fetchurl { sha256 = "0s94lwil98w7zb7cjrbnxli0z7gklb312pkw74xs1d6zk346hgwi"; url = "https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/releases/download/llvmorg-${version}/${name}"; }; } rec { name = "clang-${version}.src.tar.xz"; version = "11.0.0"; archive = fetchurl { sha256 = "091bvcny2lh32zy8f3m9viayyhb2zannrndni7325rl85cwgr6pr"; url = "https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/releases/download/llvmorg-${version}/${name}"; }; } rec { name = "clang-tools-extra-${version}.src.tar.xz"; version = "11.0.0"; archive = fetchurl { sha256 = "02bcwwn54661madhq4nxc069s7p7pj5gpqi8ww50w3anbpviilzy"; url = "https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/releases/download/llvmorg-${version}/${name}"; }; } rec { name = "compiler-rt-${version}.src.tar.xz"; version = "11.0.0"; archive = fetchurl { sha256 = "1yjqjri753w0fzmxcyz687nvd97sbc9rsqrxzpq720na47hwh3fr"; url = "https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/releases/download/llvmorg-${version}/${name}"; }; } rec { name = "Python-${version}.tar.xz"; version = "3.8.5"; archive = fetchurl { sha256 = "1c43dbv9lvlp3ynqmgdi4rh8q94swanhqarqrdx62zmigpakw073"; url = "https://www.python.org/ftp/python/${version}/${name}"; }; } rec { name = "acpica-unix2-${version}.tar.gz"; version = "20200925"; archive = fetchurl { sha256 = "18n6129fkgj85piid7v4zxxksv3h0amqp4p977vcl9xg3bq0zd2w"; url = "https://acpica.org/sites/acpica/files/${name}"; }; } rec { name = "binutils-${version}.tar.xz"; version = "2.35.1"; archive = fetchurl { sha256 = "01w6xvfy7sjpw8j08k111bnkl27j760bdsi0wjvq44ghkgdr3v9w"; url = "https://ftpmirror.gnu.org/binutils/${name}"; }; } rec { name = "cmake-${version}.1.tar.gz"; version = "3.18"; archive = fetchurl { sha256 = "0215srmc9l7ygwdpfms8yx0wbd96qgz2d58ykmdiarvysf5k7qy0"; url = "https://cmake.org/files/v${version}/${name}"; }; } rec { name = "expat-${version}.tar.bz2"; version = "2.2.9"; archive = fetchurl { sha256 = "0dx2m58gkj7cadk51lmp54ma7cqjhff4kjmwv8ks80j3vj2301pi"; url = "https://distfiles.macports.org/expat/${name}"; }; } rec { name = "gcc-${version}.tar.xz"; version = "8.3.0"; archive = fetchurl { sha256 = "0b3xv411xhlnjmin2979nxcbnidgvzqdf4nbhix99x60dkzavfk4"; url = "https://ftpmirror.gnu.org/gcc/gcc-${version}/${name}"; }; } rec { name = "gdb-${version}.tar.xz"; version = "9.2"; archive = fetchurl { sha256 = "0mf5fn8v937qwnal4ykn3ji1y2sxk0fa1yfqi679hxmpg6pdf31n"; url = "https://ftpmirror.gnu.org/gdb/${name}"; }; } rec { name = "gmp-${version}.tar.xz"; version = "6.2.0"; archive = fetchurl { sha256 = "09hmg8k63mbfrx1x3yy6y1yzbbq85kw5avbibhcgrg9z3ganr3i5"; url = "https://ftpmirror.gnu.org/gmp/${name}"; }; } rec { name = "mpc-${version}.tar.gz"; version = "1.2.0"; archive = fetchurl { sha256 = "19pxx3gwhwl588v496g3aylhcw91z1dk1d5x3a8ik71sancjs3z9"; url = "https://ftpmirror.gnu.org/mpc/${name}"; }; } rec { name = "mpfr-${version}.tar.xz"; version = "4.1.0"; archive = fetchurl { sha256 = "0zwaanakrqjf84lfr5hfsdr7hncwv9wj0mchlr7cmxigfgqs760c"; url = "https://ftpmirror.gnu.org/mpfr/${name}"; }; } rec { name = "nasm-${version}.tar.bz2"; version = "2.15.05"; archive = fetchurl { sha256 = "1l1gxs5ncdbgz91lsl4y7w5aapask3w02q9inayb2m5bwlwq6jrw"; url = "https://www.nasm.us/pub/nasm/releasebuilds/${version}/${name}"; }; } ]; toolchain = pkgs.stdenv.mkDerivation rec { pname = "crossgcc-${architecture}"; version = "4.14"; src = pkgs.fetchgit { inherit url; rev = version; fetchSubmodules = true; sha256 = "00xr74yc0kj9rrqa1a8b7bih865qlp9i4zs67ysavkfrjrwwssxm"; }; nativeBuildInputs = builtins.attrValues { inherit (pkgs) curl m4 flex bison zlib gnat; }; buildPhase = '' mkdir -p util/crossgcc/tarballs ${pkgs.lib.concatMapStringsSep "\n" (file: "ln -s ${file.archive} util/crossgcc/tarballs/${file.name}") (pkgs.callPackage dependencies { })} NIX_HARDENING_ENABLE="$\{NIX_HARDENING_ENABLE/ format/\}" make crossgcc-i386 CPUS=$(nproc) ''; installPhase = '' runHook preInstall cp -r util/crossgcc $out runHook postInstall ''; }; in pkgs.mkShell { inherit name; buildInputs = builtins.attrValues { inherit (pkgs) git coreboot-utils flashrom me_cleaner ncurses qemu m4 flex bison zlib gnat; }; shellHook = '' export PS1='\h (${name}) \W \$ ' mkdir -p '${project}' git clone '${url}' '${project}' || true cd '${project}' || exit 1 rm -rf util/crossgcc git pull git checkout ${toolchain.version} ln -sf ${toolchain} util/crossgcc sed -i 's|$(OBJCOPY) --strip-$(STRIP) $< $@|$(OBJCOPY) --strip-debug $< $@|g' payloads/libpayload/Makefile.payload printf ' flashrom --programmer internal # read BIOS chipset internally if possible flashrom --programmer internal --read backup.rom --chip $chipset # read BIOS internally if possible with selected chipset flashrom --programmer internal --read backup1.rom --chip $chipset flashrom --programmer internal --read backup2.rom --chip $chipset flashrom --programmer internal --read backup3.rom --chip $chipset flashrom --programmer ch341a_spi --read backup.rom --chip $chipset # use an external programmer if internal does not work sha256sum *.rom # check BIOS hashes for exactness me_cleaner.py --soft-disable backup.rom # clean management engine and overwrite bios inplace ifdtool --extract backup.rom # split regions of cleaned bios # Rename and move descriptor.bin, gbe.bin, me.bin into 3rdparty/blobs/mainboard/$vendor/$model where # $vendor and $model are variable (for example lenovo/t420). Create folders if they do not exist. # To test in qemu select model/vendor Emulation/QEMU x86 i440fx/piix4 in nconfig. # In real world situations, one might only read and write internally to the bios region. flashrom --programmer internal --read bios.rom --chip $chipset --ifd --image bios flashrom --programmer internal --write bios.rom --chip $chipset --ifd --image bios make distclean # clear old configuration make clean # clear old compilation and keep configuration make nconfig # setup configurtion cat .config # check configuration make # build coreboot qemu-system-x86_64 -bios build/coreboot.rom -serial stdio # test image in qemu ' ''; }