From 0272490565009d0e973d8f6ca9cfa27cb2533beb Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: tdro Date: Thu, 10 Mar 2022 22:12:51 -0500 Subject: .bash_profile: Clean up environment Move wrappers to separate folder. Move vimrc to application directory. --- .vimrc | 350 ----------------------------------------------------------------- 1 file changed, 350 deletions(-) delete mode 100644 .vimrc (limited to '.vimrc') diff --git a/.vimrc b/.vimrc deleted file mode 100644 index 2dab540..0000000 --- a/.vimrc +++ /dev/null @@ -1,350 +0,0 @@ -"------------Setup-------------" - -mapclear " Clear all mappings. -packadd! matchit " Add match tag pairs package. -let skip_defaults_vim=1 " Do not load defaults if ~/.vimrc is missing. - - -"------------General------------" - -let mapleader = "\" " Set default map leader. -let php_htmlInStrings = 1 " Highlight HTML in PHP. - -set ruler " Show the cursor position all the time. -set nowrap " Do not wrap lines. -set nonumber " Set line numbers. -set hlsearch " Enable search. -set incsearch " Set incremental search. -set showmatch " Briefly show matching tags. -set nocompatible " Use Vim defaults. -set splitbelow " Open horizontal splits below. -set splitright " Open vertical splits to the right. -set cursorline " Set cursor line highlight. -set notimeout " Wait indefinitely for complete key combinations. -set ttimeout " Prevent pressing twice. -set nostartofline " Do not move cursor to line start on buffer switch. -set showcmd " Show key presses in status line. -set wildmenu " Show tab completions menu. -set nojoinspaces " Insert one space after a '.', '?' and '!' with a join command. -set path+=** " Search subfolders. -set display=lastline " @@@ which indicates remaining line is not displayed. - -set hidden " Set hidden buffers. -set nobackup " No write backups. -set noswapfile " Disable swap files. -set nowritebackup " No overwrite backups. -set autoread " Auto read file on external change. -set autowrite " Write if modified. -set autowriteall " Write if modified on buffer change. -set autoindent " Copy indent from current line to new line. -set ignorecase " Ignore case on search. -set smartcase " Search by case smartly. -set nolazyredraw " Disable lazy redraw on screen when using macros. -set ttyfast " Assume fast terminal. -set undofile " Enable undofile. -set viminfo+=n~/.vim/viminfo " Set viminfo file path. -set undodir=~/.vim/undodir " Set undofile directory. - -set mouse=a " Enable mouse. -set shortmess+=I " Disable startup message. -set shortmess-=S " Count number of search result matches. -set showtabline=0 " Disable tab bar. -set updatetime=1500 " Set duration for cursor hold event. -set fillchars= " Set split window margin fill to none. -set laststatus=0 " Disable status bar. -set linespace=3 " Set line spaces. -set guiheadroom=0 " Disable headroom on window maximize. -set history=50 " Keep 50 lines of command line history. -set clipboard=unnamed " Use clipboard as default register. -set backspace=indent,eol,start " Enable backspacing. -set formatoptions-=t " Do not auto wrap text when typing. -set complete=.,w,b,u " Set our desired autocompletion match pattern. -set encoding=utf-8 " Set UTF-8 encoding. -set scrolloff=3 " Set vertical scroll headroom. -set sidescroll=3 " Set horizontal column scroll. -set sidescrolloff=10 " Set horizontal scroll headroom. -set foldcolumn=2 " Set fold column width to 2. - -" Convert tab to spaces. -set tabstop=2 softtabstop=0 shiftwidth=2 smarttab expandtab - - -"----------------Visuals----------------" - -syntax enable " Enable syntax highlighting. -colorscheme fluid " Set color scheme. - - -"---------------Functions---------------" - -" Ansible Check -function! AnsibleCheck() - :exe 'Notify(''ansible-playbook --syntax-check ' . expand('%') . ' 2>&1'')' | :e -endfunction - -" Typography Format -function! TypographyFormat() - :silent! %s/\(^\|\s\|\w\)\zs--\ze\($\|\s\|\w\)/–/g | silent! %s/\(^\|\s\|\w\)\zs---\ze\($\|\s\|\w\)/—/g - :silent! %s/ '/ ‘/g | silent! %s/' /’ /g | :silent! %s/^'/‘/g | silent! %s/'$/’/g - :silent! %s/ "/ “/g | silent! %s/" /” /g | :silent! %s/^"/“/g | silent! %s/"$/”/g - :silent! %s/\S\@='\S@!/’/g | :silent! %s/\S\@<='\S\@=/’/g - :silent! %s/\S\@="\S@!/”/g | :silent! %s/\S\@<="\S\@=/”/g -endfunction - - -"---------------Shortcuts---------------" - -" Edit shortcuts -nmap ev :tabedit ~/.vimrc -nmap eh :tabedit ~/.vim/post-save-hook - -" Show key mappings -nmap mn :nmap -nmap mv :vmap -nmap mi :imap -nmap mc :command - -" Search documentation under cursor -nmap dm :exe ':term ++close fzf-man ' . expand('') -nmap di :exe ':term ++close fzf-doc ' . expand('') -nmap dt :exe ':term dict -h localhost -d dict-moby-thesaurus-latest ' . expand('') - -" Search for file containing word under cursor -nmap ag :Ag - -" View function documentation -nmap dp :call fzf#run({'options': ['--preview', 'echo doc {} \| psysh \| fold -s -w 80'], 'source': "psysh-doc", 'sink': ':term psysh-doc', 'down': '50%'}) - -" Jump to line -nmap jl :norm yaW \| :Jump - -" Load and save sessions -nmap sl :source ~/.vim/sessions/session.vim \| :source ~/.vimrc:Notify('printf "Last saved session loaded."') -nmap ss :silent! exe "!~/.vim/hooks/pre-session-save" \| :mksession! ~/.vim/sessions/session.vim \| :redraw!:Notify('printf "Current session saved."') - -" Toggle Spell Check -nmap sp :set spell! - -" Sort lines by length -vnoremap sn !perl -e 'print sort { length($a) <=> length($b) } <>' - -" Switch between tabs and spaces -nmap ses :set tabstop=2 softtabstop=0 shiftwidth=2 smarttab expandtab \| :%retab! -nmap set :set tabstop=2 softtabstop=0 shiftwidth=2 smarttab noexpandtab \| :%retab! - -" Close buffer and window -nmap qq :bd -nmap qa :silent! %bd!\|e# -nmap qw c - -" Re-indent entire file -nmap re gg=G - -" Reset all settings and source configuration. -nmap ra :set all& \| :source ~/.vimrc \| :packloadall \|:e:Notify('printf "Settings cleared and reloaded."') - -" Remove duplicate lines -vnoremap rd !awk '\!visited[$0]++' - -" Toggle color column -nmap cv :exe "set colorcolumn=" . (&colorcolumn == "" ? "80" : "") - -" Toggle cursor column -nmap cx :set cursorcolumn! - -" Transliterate special characters to ascii -nmap ce :silent! %s/–/--/g \| :silent! %s/—/---/g \| my \| :%!iconv -f utf-8 -t ascii//translit'y - -" Use typographic characters -nmap cl :call TypographyFormat() - -" Toggle line numbers -nmap cn :set relativenumber! - -" Justify columns -vnoremap ct !column -t -o' ' - -" Fold text -vnoremap cf \| !fold -s -w80 - -" Go to scratchpad of specified filetype -noremap cs :w !cat > $HOME/.cache/vim-scratchpad:e +setf\ $HOME/.cache/vim-scratchpad - -" File open mappings -nmap :Buffers -nmap ov :Lines -nmap ob :BLines -nmap ol :Locate -nmap ot :exe '!$TERMINAL -cd ' . expand('%:p:h') . ' &' -nmap of :call fzf#run({'options': [], 'source': "cat $FZF_FILE_MARKS", 'sink': 'e', 'window': { 'xoffset': 0, 'yoffset': 1, 'width': 1, 'height': 0.5 }}) -nmap od :call fzf#run({'options': ['--preview', 'ls {}'], 'source': "cut -d' ' -f3 $FZF_DIRECTORY_MARKS", 'sink': 'cd', 'window': { 'xoffset': 0, 'yoffset': 1, 'width': 1, 'height': 0.5 }}) -nmap oo :call fzf#run({'options': ['--preview', 'highlight -O ansi --force {}'], 'source': 'rg --files --hidden \|\| find . -type f -printf "%P\n"', 'sink': 'e', 'window': { 'xoffset': 0, 'yoffset': 1, 'width': 1, 'height': 0.5 }}) - -" Mappings for nnn -nmap nm :NnnPicker -nmap nn :NnnPicker '%:p:h' - -" Exit incremental search -nmap :nohl - -" Disable Ex Mode -nnoremap Q - -" Split window mappings -nmap :vsplit -nmap :split -nmap :resize +5 -nmap :resize -5 -nmap :vertical resize +5 -nmap :vertical resize -5 - -" Inverse Tabs -inoremap - -" Retain visual selection when tabbing -vnoremap < >gv - -" Prevent cursor from jumping in visual select context -vnoremap y "my\"" . v:register . "y`y" - - -"------------------Snippets-------------------" - -nnoremap ,html :-1read $HOME/.vim/snippets/skeleton.html3jwf>a -nnoremap ,nix-module :-1read $HOME/.vim/snippets/module.nix4jf"a -nnoremap ,nix-shell :-1read $HOME/.vim/snippets/shell.nix2jf"a -nnoremap ,awk :-1read $HOME/.vim/snippets/skeleton.awk - - -"---------------Plugin Settings---------------" - -let g:gundo_prefer_python3=1 " Use python3 to restore gundo functionality. -let g:netrw_banner=0 " Disable netrw banner. -let g:nnn#command = 'nnn -H' " Override default command. -let g:nnn#set_default_mappings = 0 " Disable default mappings. -let g:nnn#layout = 'new' " Opens the nnn window in a split. -let g:nnn#layout = { 'left': '~20%' } " Left 20% of the window. - -let g:fzf_layout = { 'window': { 'xoffset': 0, 'yoffset': 1, 'width': 1, 'height': 0.5 } } " Set fzf window layout - - -"-------------------Scripts-------------------" - -" -function s:repl(start, end, language) - let g:terminal_buffer = get(g:, 'terminal_buffer', -1) - if g:terminal_buffer == -1 || !bufexists(g:terminal_buffer) - terminal ++rows=10 - let g:terminal_buffer = bufnr('') - call term_sendkeys(g:terminal_buffer, a:language . "; exit" . "\") - wincmd p - elseif bufwinnr(g:terminal_buffer) == -1 - exe 'sbuffer ' . g:terminal_buffer - wincmd p - endif - call term_sendkeys(g:terminal_buffer, join(getline(a:start, a:end), "\") . "\") -endfunction - -" Jump to line and column in the format 123:13 -function s:cursor(selection) - wincmd p - let g:cursor_request = split(a:selection, ":") - call cursor(g:cursor_request[0], g:cursor_request[1]) -endfunction - -" Notify -function s:notify(command) - call popup_notification(systemlist(a:command), { 'pos': 'topright', 'col': 9999, 'time' : 600000, 'highlight': 'Normal' }) -endfunction - -command! -nargs=? -range Jump call s:cursor(@*) -command! -nargs=? -range REPL call s:repl(, , ) -command! -nargs=1 -range Notify call s:notify() - - -"----------------Autorun----------------" - -augroup AutoCommands - - " Clear auto commands. - autocmd! - - " Source reloads. - autocmd BufWritePost .vimrc source % | Notify('printf "Configuration sourced."') - autocmd BufWritePost plugins.vim source % | Notify('printf "Plugins configuration sourced."') - - " Linting file type post write commands. - autocmd FileType php autocmd! BufWritePost exe 'Notify(''phpcbf ' . expand('%') . ' 2>&1'')' | :e - autocmd FileType css autocmd! BufWritePost exe 'Notify(''prettier --write --parser css ' . expand('%') . ' 2>&1'')' | :e - autocmd FileType html autocmd! BufWritePost exe 'Notify(''prettier --write --parser html ' . expand('%') . ' 2>&1'')' | :e - autocmd FileType python autocmd! BufWritePost exe 'Notify(''black ' . expand('%') . ' 2>&1 && pylint ' . expand('%') . ' 2>&1'')' | :e - autocmd FileType ruby autocmd! BufWritePost exe 'Notify(''rufo ' . expand('%') . ' 2>&1 && rubocop ' . expand('%') . ' 2>&1'')' | :e - autocmd FileType nim autocmd! BufWritePost exe 'Notify(''nimpretty ' . expand('%') . ' 2>&1 && printf "Nim OK: ' . expand('%') . '"'')' | :e - autocmd FileType rust autocmd! BufWritePost exe 'Notify(''rustfmt ' . expand('%') . ' 2>&1 && printf "rustfmt OK: ' . expand('%') . '"'')' | :e - autocmd FileType json autocmd! BufWritePost exe 'Notify(''jsonlint -i ' . expand('%') . ' 2>&1 && printf "JSON OK: ' . expand('%') . '"'')' | :e - autocmd FileType javascript autocmd! BufWritePost exe 'Notify(''eslint --fix ' . expand('%') . ' 2>&1 && printf "JavaScript OK: '. expand('%') . '"'')' | :e - autocmd FileType elixir autocmd! BufWritePost exe 'Notify(''mix format ' . expand('%') . ' 2>&1 && printf "Elixir Format OK: ' . expand('%') . '"'')' | :e - autocmd FileType haskell autocmd! BufWritePost exe 'Notify(''hlint ' . expand('%') . ' 2>&1 && brittany --write-mode inplace ' . expand('%') . ' 2>&1'')' | :e - autocmd FileType c autocmd! BufWritePost exe 'Notify(''clang-format -i ' . expand('%') . ' 2>&1 && printf "Clang Format OK: ' . expand('%') . '"'')' | :e - autocmd FileType bash,sh autocmd! BufWritePost exe 'Notify(''shellcheck -x --exclude=SC1090,SC1091 ' . expand('%') . ' 2>&1 && printf "Shellcheck OK: ' . expand('%') . '"'')' - autocmd FileType xml autocmd! BufWritePost exe 'Notify(''xmllint --pretty 1 ' . expand('%') . ' 2>&1 | sponge ' . expand('%') . ' && printf "XML OK: ' . expand('%') . '"'')' | :e - autocmd FileType go autocmd! BufWritePost exe 'Notify(''gofmt -w -s -e ' . expand('%') . ' 2>&1 && go vet ' . expand('%') . ' 2>&1 && printf "Go Format OK: ' . expand('%') . '"'')' | :e - autocmd FileType nix autocmd! BufWritePost exe 'Notify(''nix-linter ' . expand('%') . ' 2>&1 && printf "Nix Lint OK: ' . expand('%') . '"' . ' && nixfmt ' . expand('%') . ' 2>&1' . ''')' | :e - autocmd FileType tex autocmd! BufWritePost exe 'Notify(''latexindent ' . expand('%') . ' 2>&1 && printf "LaTeX OK: ' . expand('%') . '"'')' | :e | :only | :term ++close ++rows=10 latex-compile % - autocmd FileType awk autocmd! BufWritePost exe 'Notify(''awk -g -f ' . expand('%') . ' 2>&1 && awk -o- -f ' . expand('%') . ' | sponge ' . expand('%') . ' && printf "AWK OK: ' . expand('%') . '"'')' | :e - autocmd FileType yaml autocmd! BufWritePost exe 'Notify(''yaml round-trip --indent 2 --save ' . expand('%') . ' 2>&1 && yamllint -s ' . expand('%') . ' 2>&1 && printf "YAML OK: ' . expand('%') . '"'')' | :e - autocmd FileType typescript autocmd! BufWritePost exe 'Notify(''deno fmt ' . expand('%') . ' 2>&1 && NO_COLOR=true deno lint ' . expand('%') . ' 2>&1'')' | :e | :only | :term ++rows=10 deno run --config tsconfig.json --allow-all --location % - autocmd FileType sql autocmd! BufWritePost exe 'Notify(''sqlint ' . expand('%') . ' 2>&1 && pg_format -i ' . expand('%') . ' 2>&1 && sqlfluff lint --exclude-rules L003,L016 --dialect postgres ' . expand('%') . ' 2>&1 && printf "SQL OK: ' . expand('%') . '"'')' | :e - - " Linting extension post write commands. - autocmd BufWritePost $HOME/.config/chromexup/config.ini exe 'Notify(''chromexup 2>&1'')' - autocmd BufWritePost rc.lua exe 'Notify(''awesome -k 2>&1'')' - autocmd BufWritePost quotes,*.fortune exe 'Notify(''strfile ' . expand('%') . ''')' - autocmd BufWritePost Xresources exe 'Notify(''xrdb ~/.config/X11/Xresources ' . '2>&1 && printf "Reloading Xresources: ' . expand('%') . '"'')' - autocmd BufWritePost *.desktop exe 'Notify(''desktop-file-validate ' . expand('%') . ' 2>&1 && printf "Deskop File OK: ' . expand('%') . '"'')' - autocmd BufWritePost *.service exe 'Notify(''systemd-analyze verify --user ' . expand('%') . ' 2>&1 && printf "Systemd Service File OK: ' . expand('%') . '"'')' - autocmd BufWritePost *.txt,*.md :only | :term ++rows=10 vale % - - " File type function under cursor lookups. - autocmd FileType go noremap df :exe ':term ++rows=10 go doc ' . expand('') - autocmd FileType nix noremap df :exe ':term ++rows=10 nixos-option ' . expand('') - autocmd FileType elixir noremap df :exe ':term ++rows=10 sh -c "echo ''h(' . expand('') . ')'' \| iex"' - - " REPL commands. - autocmd FileType go noremap cc :REPL gore - autocmd FileType lua noremap cc :REPL lua - autocmd FileType php noremap cc :REPL psysh - autocmd FileType elixir noremap cc :REPL iex - autocmd FileType sh noremap cc :REPL dash -x - autocmd FileType rust noremap cc :REPL evcxr - autocmd FileType nix noremap cc :REPL nix repl - autocmd FileType bash noremap cc :REPL bash -x - autocmd FileType python noremap cc :REPL python - autocmd FileType perl noremap cc :REPL perl -de0 - autocmd FileType javascript noremap cc :REPL node - autocmd FileType awk noremap cc :term ++rows=10 ++close awk -f % - - " Selective formatting using visual select + gq. - autocmd FileType nix set formatprg=nixfmt - autocmd FileType sh set formatprg=shfmt\ - - autocmd FileType javascript set formatprg=prettier\ --parser\ babel\ --stdin-filepath\ % - autocmd FileType html set formatprg=prettier\ --parser\ html\ --stdin-filepath\ % - autocmd FileType markdown set formatprg=prettier\ --parser\ markdown\ --stdin-filepath\ % - - " Set file types. - autocmd BufRead,BufNewFile *.nims set filetype=nim - autocmd BufRead,BufNewFile *.rasi set filetype=css - - " Clear notification on cursor movement. - autocmd CursorMoved * silent! call popup_clear() - - " Automatically remove trailing white space on save. - autocmd InsertLeave,BufWritePre * %s/\s\+$//e - - " Automatically save file on insert and idle. - autocmd InsertLeave,CursorHold * silent! write - \| silent! exe "!~/.vim/hooks/post-save > /dev/null 2>&1 &" - \| :echo expand('%:t') '[filetype=' . &filetype . ']' - -augroup END -- cgit v1.2.3