{{- $author := partial "function-authors-data.html" . -}} {{- $limit := $author.wordlimit -}} {{- $wordLimit := gt .WordCount $limit -}} {{- $overLimit := sub .WordCount $limit -}} {{- $bitCount := lang.FormatNumberCustom 0 (len .Content) -}} {{- /* This comment removes trailing newlines and white spaces. */ -}} {{- safeHTML (readFile (print (partial "function-paths.html").static "/icons/feather/file-text.svg")) -}} {{- if $wordLimit -}} {{ .WordCount }} {{- else -}} {{ .WordCount }} {{- end -}} /{{ $limit }} words {{- /* This comment removes trailing newlines and white spaces. */ -}} {{- /* This comment removes trailing newlines and white spaces. */ -}} {{- /* This comment removes trailing newlines and white spaces. */ -}} {{- /* This comment removes trailing newlines and white spaces. */ -}}