+++ date = "2022-02-27T20:18:43+00:00" lastmod = "2022-02-27T20:18:43+00:00" tags = [ "docs", "cache" ] author = "canory" +++ Resource abuse is not good --- cache responsibly. In the `hugo` configuration file (config.yaml, config.json, config.toml) set the cache expiry time. The default is `12h` (12 hours) for remote fetches and `-1` (forever) for assets, images, and modules. The time scales are seconds (`s`), minutes (`m`), and hours (`h`). Turn off a cache by setting a max age of `0`. ```yaml {options="hl_lines=9-17",caption="Caching Options"} --- caches: assets: dir: :resourceDir/_gen maxAge: -1 images: dir: :resourceDir/_gen maxAge: -1 getcsv: dir: :resourceDir/caches maxAge: 12h getjson: dir: :resourceDir/caches maxAge: 12h getresource: dir: :resourceDir/caches maxAge: 12h modules: dir: :resourceDir/caches maxAge: -1 ```