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sessionStorage[key + ".urls"] = JSON.stringify(stamps); if (remote && modified) { fetch(url, "GET", function() { indicator.href = url.replace(/^https:/, "http:"); indicator.removeAttribute("id"); indicator.dataset.update = "refresh"; console.log("INFO: R: " + remote); console.log("INFO: L: " + local); console.log("INFO: D: " + drift); console.log("INFO: M: " + modified); }); } }); } let scrolled; let delay = 1000; let delayed = 0; self.addEventListener("scroll", function() { if (scrolled) clearTimeout(scrolled); scrolled = setTimeout(function() { update(); delay = delay + delayed; delayed = delay - delayed; }, delay); }); [ "focus", "load", "URLChangedCustomEvent" ].forEach(function(event) { self.addEventListener(event, function() { update(); }); }); })(); (function() { const options = "targetWindow,width=700,height=500,toolbar=no,location=no,status=no,menubar=no,scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes"; self.addEventListener("keydown", function(event) { if (event.repeat && event.key === "d") { selection(dictionary); 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